Why am I here?

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Zayn's POV

I had her in my arms, just holding her limp body, she fainted shortly after I had taken her. I was just so angry and my vampire took over, taking her away from Louis.

Ashton started to mumble incoherant words, stretching out her body.She was waking up/

Ashton's POV

I started to wake up thinking I was in Louis' arms until I opened my eyes to be met with caramel coloured orbs staring deep into my very soul. "w-why am I here" I stuttered. "I'll explain after you have some breakfast." he said lifting me up bridle style and taking me into a kitchen. "what would you like, my dear?" his sexy Bradford accent questioned (I've always had a soft spot for them and six packs). "how do I know the food isn't poisened?"I asked warily. "If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now" this made sense so I told him I wanted Pancakes and maple syrup, which he is now in the process of making. "seeing as you have kidnapped me I see no reason why you shouldn't know my name its Ashton" I said. "it suits you, I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik" "Zayn" I whispered liking the feel of it rolling off my tongue.

After breakfast we headed to the lounge room, I sat down on the grey couch with Zayn following behind me like a lost puppy. He sat down next to me taking my hand in his, "the reason I took you is because... because I'm a vampire" Zayn stuttered. I couldn't help it I burst out laughing, my face went red as I rolled on the floor clutching my stomach. "I'm not lying it's true" Zayn whined. I stopped laughing to sit back on the  lounge next to Zayn, " I know your telling the truth, I was kidnapped by Liam, Louis and Niall. They still haven't told me why though and they keep acting weird." Zayn nodded "that would explain a lot. Okay so the reason I took you is because..."

I'm going to leave it there and update tomorrow probably. I'm trying to end the chapters on a cliff hanger from now on. If any of you lovely peaches wish to be in the story comment hair colour skin tone fav movie fav food fav super hero and the clothes you are wearing right now and you will be included!

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