His first thoughts after meeting you

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Adam:  Wow she's really pretty. And she's bionic too so that's a plus. Maybe I'll train with her. Her eyes are cool too. 

Chase:  Wow. That's all I can say is wow. Leo's sister is beautiful smart, agile and strong too. She's breathtaking. Wow. 

Douglas:  Krane's had this woman for nearly 30 years? Wow she is beautiful. And she's got a southern accent which makes her even more radiant. I need to get her away from Krane; she doesn't need him or to be trained to be a bionic soldier.

Leo:  She's actually talking to me. Y/N is cool. She doesn't care if I'm puny or pathetic. She likes talking to me. Adam, Bree and Chase have a cool sister.

Marcus:  Y/N is extraordinary. Dad was wrong; I don't need to destroy the Davenports. Y/N makes me feel like I could be a bionic hero. She's practically a Davenport herself. Maybe if I tell Mr. Davenport, I can start training to be a hero like Adam, Bree and Chase!

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