He sees you in one of his shirts

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A/N: This excludes Bree. Carry on.

Adam Davenport

The Lab Rats were on a mission, and you were at their house with Douglas, Mr. Davenport and Leo. You weren't going on the mission because Douglas needed to examine your bionic chip, just to make sure there wasn't a virus in the hardware or anything that could potentially hurt you in the future. You were doing laundry, and you were currently putting it away. You smiled as you held up one of Adam's shirts, deciding to put it on because you missed your bionic boyfriend. The shirt was definitely big on you, but it hung loosely on your figure, and it smelled like Adam. You wore his shirt around the house, and no one took notice, and you didn't really care if they did. At about 2 pm, you decided that lunch needed to be made. So, you started making some lasagna, because Leo had mentioned something about it a few days prior. Once you put it in the oven, you started doing the dishes, thinking about Adam when a certain pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist. Adam. "Did you miss me babe?" Came his voice. You smiled and turned your head to look at him. "Of course I did, baby," you answered. He pressed a few soft kisses to your shoulder. "If I knew I'd be coming home to seeing this," he mumbled as he kissed your jaw, "I think I would've stayed home." He whispered breathily into your ear. You smirked and felt him kiss up and down your neck. "Y'know what? I think this shirt will look even better on the floor." You said. Adam had the same idea.

Chase Davenport

You were extremely tired after a long day of training, and you didn't feel like wearing any of your own clothes to bed. So, you decided to grab one of Chase's shirts, and wear it to bed instead. It was one of his older shirts, and it fit you perfectly. It displayed every single curve you had on your persons, and barely touched your bottom. Luckily you were wearing shorts underneath the shirt too. Chase walked in the room with a little smirk. "Stealing my shirts now princess?" He asked with a chuckle. You smiled. "Well I didn't wanna wear any of my clothes to bed tonight, so yes." You said triumphantly. Chase smiled and pulled you close. "Hmm...I think it'd look better on the floor," he mumbled, ghosting his lips against your shoulder. Apparently, you and your boyfriend shared the same belief of the location of said shirt.

Douglas Davenport

You'd just finished teaching your class on the bionic island, and you had to take a shower. Donald needed to take a look at your bionic chip, and so he had it for the time being. After you stepped out of the shower, you got dressed. You put on a comfy shirt, and a pair of leggings. When you looked in the mirror to dry your hair, you realized you'd put on Douglas's shirt by mistake. You shrugged and dried your hair, putting it up in a messy bun. You started reading, engrossing yourself in your book. You didn't realize what was going on until you felt a pair of lips on your neck. Douglas. "Y'know babe," he growled softly, "if you wanted to tease me, you should've just worn my shirt today." He said and kissed your shoulder. You smiled and your nose scrunched up. "Why don't you just take it off, huh?" You panted, unable to think straight. Douglas nearly jumped over the sofa to pull you to him, eager to get the shirt off of you.

Leo Dooley

You and Leo had just come back in from spending some time in the sun at the bionic island. You'd picked up one of Leo's shirts, and when you turned around, he was staring at you with wide eyes and you swore you could see him drooling. You were wearing his shirt, and you looked sexy in it. Leo said nothing as he cupped your cheek, kissing you deeply. You kissed back, your arms wrapped around his neck. His hands went under your—his shirt, and started pulling it up over your head.

Marcus Davenport

Though, Marcus is an android, it didn't mean he didn't have human feelings. He had them, and they were especially for you. He was in love with you. You were helping him train in private on the bionic island, when he got the upper hand and pinned you to the ground. You were sweaty and filthy. "Great training," you said. "I'm gonna take a shower." You said getting up to go get clean. Marcus sat in the room you two shared, reading as he waited. You stepped out, grabbing the first thing you saw as clothes:  a pair of shorts and one of Marcus's shirts. You let your hair dry, and cuddled up to Marcus once you got to bed. Marcus smiled down at you, seeing how cute you looked in his shirt. He kissed you, getting a bit rough with it. You smiled as you kissed back, feeling his hands tug at your shirt. You smiled more. "You like it?" You asked. Marcus looked at you with his beautiful eyes. "I love it. I'd love it even more if it wasn't on you," he said, kissing down your neck. You nodded, removing his hands so the shirt could come off. It dropped to the floor, and Marcus pulled you closer to him.


Sebastian was cuddling with you, kissing your cheek and playing with your hair. You two were being adorable and you were giggling at all the attention. You got up and had to change your clothes, so you picked up a shirt—thinking it was yours—and put it on. You decided to go put on some leggings. You came out of the bathroom, and Sebastian was up, his hands on your hips. "I didn't know you'd be this sexy in my shirt babe." He cooed, tugging at the bottom of it. You smiled, seeing you had indeed put on his shirt. You bit your lip as he pinned you to the wall, brushing noses with yours. You two engaged in a heated kiss, the shirt falling off of your body. He pulled you closer...

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