First Fight

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A/N: I'm so sorry for abandoning this, but I've gotten super busy. I'll try and update this as much as I can. Enjoy!

Adam Davenport

You and Adam have never had a serious fight before. Sure, there was playful banter and the occasional teasing bickering, but nothing worth breaking up over. That, and I don't see any reason why Adam would want to argue over something stupid.

Bree Davenport

Bree was a teenage girl. So were you. Teenage girls tend to over complicate things. So, when you were keeping secrets from her, she got curious. Were you cheating on her? Why were you sneaking around? She wanted answers.

"Hey, Y/N. Can we talk?" She asked. You nodded and made your way over. "What's up, Bree?" You asked. "Why are you keeping secrets from me? You're sneaking off to the mainland and back, and you come back late at night. What's going on?" She asked. You were actually planning Bree's birthday party. "It's nothing you need to worry about, Bree." You reassured. "Really? My girlfriend keeping secrets from me and lying to me about it is something I don't need to worry about?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

You sighed. "Bree...stop. You're blowing things out of proportion," you whispered. "I'm blowing things out of proportion? You're lying and sneaking around. Do you not trust me? Tell me what's going on," she urged. "I do trust you, Bree. But I can't tell you what's going on." You reasoned. "You can't or you won't?" Bree snapped. "I can't, Bree," you reiterated. Bree scoffed and shook her head. "I don't believe this. You're lying to me still!" She laughed in disbelief.

Now you were getting annoyed. "Y'know what? If you don't believe me, then say it to my face. Tell me to my face, Bree, and I'll leave. For good." You said. Bree got up in your face, hurt evident in her eyes. "I. Don't. Believe. You." She said slowly. You nodded and geo-leaped to the student quarters, gathering your things. You geo-leaped to the Hydra-loop, tears evident in your eyes. Bree had her back to you, as you let the door close. You broke down, a now sobbing mess. All you could think about now was:

How can you fix this?

Chase Davenport

Chase is a very insecure and jealous guy. He had came into the instructor's quarters to see you and Adam in a very cuddly position. Your allergies were acting up, and Adam was giving you a massage to help get the tension out of your body. But that's not what Chase saw.

His face was red and thankfully Spike did not make an appearance. Adam looked up to see his angry little brother, and he knew it was time for him to leave. You saw a fuming Chase, and blushed. "I-It's not what it looks like," you attempted. "Oh really, Y/N? It seems perfectly clear to me. Apparently, you and Adam are a little too buddy-buddy," he rolled his eyes. You shook your head. "No. It's not like that at all. Chase, I would never cheat on you. Ever. Baby, I love you," came your hoarse reply. Chase turned around, so you wouldn't see the tears about to fall down his cheeks.

"Y/ broke my heart and my trust. I think it's better for the both of us if you just leave," he said in tense anger. You let tears fill your eyes as you purposely brushed his shoulder on your way out. Before leaving, you'd taken the infinity necklace he'd gotten you for your one-year anniversary and shoved it into his hands. Now you were stressed, sick, and broken up.

You went to your own quarters and cried yourself to sleep.

Douglas Davenport

Douglas is always trying to prove himself to his big brother, Donald. The man was smart, as was his big brother. Although, the both of them continuously allowed their egos to get to their brains.

You were in the lab with Donald, working on some new training techniques. Douglas had come down to see what his brother was up to. He felt a pang of jealousy hit as he saw you two together. Why didn't you come to him for help with your training? "Y/N, that was amazing! Tomorrow, I'll have you spar with Bree. I'm really proud of you," Donald said, placing a hand on your shoulder in a brotherly way. "Thanks, Donny. I'm glad you decided to help me out with my training. I'm gonna go upstairs and see where Douglas is. I really want to show him what I can do!" You said excitedly.

"Why? So you can brag about my amazing big brother to my face?" Spat the younger brother. You turned around, confusion on your face. "I'm sorry?" You asked. "Don't play dumb, Y/N. I know my brother's a genius; you don't have to point it out to me by showing me what you can do," he grumbled. "Douglas, that's not what I—" "Y'know, it really hurts my feelings when you ask Donny for help and not me! I mean, I helped create the bionic chips. I'm a genius too, Y/N." He said.

"Douglas...I'm sorry if I made you feel that way," you apologized. Douglas snapped. "You're a little too late for that apology. You don't know how it feels to be shadowed by your big brother. You don't know what I'm feeling! You wouldn't understand because you have no real family! Your own adoptive father turned you into a weapon!" He seethed. Now that stung.

You got really angry, and then you glared up at him. "Well if you feel that way, then maybe we shouldn't be together!" You shouted before you realized what you'd said. "Maybe we shouldn't! We should break up!" He agreed. Cue heartbreak. "Fine. I'm going upstairs. To bed. Alone." You hissed and left the lab completely upset. You didn't want any of the Rats to see you like this.

Leo Dooley

In a relationship, two partners must compromise to do things. Apparently, Leo only wanted to do what he wanted. You suggested some stuff, but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. It really made you mad. In fact, you said no to going back to the mainland to watch a new horror movie that came out. Leo wanted to see it badly, but he knew you didn't like horror movies.

"Come on, Y/N! Why can't we go and see the movie?" He whined. "Leo, you should know that I don't like horror movies. Why would I want to go and see one?" You shot back. "And besides...we always do what you wanna do. When's the last time we did something I wanted to do?" You asked. Leo thought for a minute. "Thought so. We started doing things we both wanted to do. Leo...there are things I've wanted to do, but you never gave any of them a chance. How am I supposed to be in a relationship with someone that won't do things that I like to do with me?" You said sadly.

"Y/N..." Leo trailed off, but you shook your head. "I don't want any excuses, Leo. If this is the way we're going, I don't want to be with you anymore. Not like this. I'm sorry, but I think we need to take a break," you said, feeling your heart shatter with every word. Leo's face fell. "I-If you think that's what we need, then let's take a break." He agreed. You nodded and left the instructor's quarters, tears brimming your eyes. It had to be done.

Marcus Davenport

Marcus is a good guy, but he gets jealous very easily and doesn't like seeing you hang out with other guys. You were currently in the middle of a training session with Spin and Bob, because they needed some help with their new abilities.

Marcus walked in, and immediately got very jealous. You two usually trained together in private. He cleared his throat, making himself known. You looked over and smiled, seeing your boyfriend. The smile did not return. "Guys, you did great. I'll see you tomorrow. Go get some lunch," you said, so that they could leave. Once they did, you crossed your arms over your chest. "What's wrong?" You asked. "I don't like you hanging out with them." He said plainly. "What? Spin and Bob? They're not even our age, Marcus! Why're you so jealous?" You asked. "Because you're my girlfriend, and I don't like seeing you hang out with other guys," Marcus stated.

You laughed in disbelief. "Well I'm sorry if I have male friends. And if I wanna hang out with them, I can. You can't tell me what to do, Marcus." You snapped. "Well what do you want me to do, Y/N? Watch as some guy might flirt with you?" He retorted. "If they do, I'll tell them I have a boyfriend. Marcus, you're being ridiculous," you sighed. "Well if I'm so ridiculous, then maybe we don't need to see each other anymore." Those words stung. "Maybe we shouldn't. You obviously don't trust me. We should break up." You said. "Yeah, we should," he agreed and you left to be alone with your thoughts.

How could your relationship come to this?


I don't think I can come up with one for Sebastian; he's such a cutie! Sorry I can't write one for him!!

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