They/You get captured Part 1

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Adam Davenport

You were walking to the Davenport house after school. You usually walked with Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo, but you had to stay back for tutoring. You got to the house and knocked on the door. No one answered. Weird, you thought. Adam always walks me inside. You didn't think much of it and let yourself in.

"Hello? Leo? Chase? Bree? Adam, if you're pulling a prank, it's not funny!" You said throughout the house. You decided to go down to the lab, and saw Leo sitting at his Mission Specialist desk with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "Leo, what's wrong?" You asked. He jumped and then looked at you. "Y/N! Uh, n-nothing's wrong." He horribly lied. You gave him a pointed look. "Okay, okay, okay. Big D got captured by Marcus, and Adam, Bree and Chase went to rescue him," he said.

"You're not telling me the entire story." You said. Nothing got past you; Leo was a terrible liar. "Well...Marcus is sorta bionic. And he has all of their abilities combined. And the guy he's working for is Big D's younger brother...and Adam, Bree and Chase's biological father. And they're all in a cage," he explained. "What?! They walked right into a trap? Leo...we need to go and save them." You said. "But how? You were never trained to fight against bionics before," he argued. "There's a first time for everything." You explained. He nodded and you got in your capsule, suiting up in your newly upgraded mission suit.

You just hoped Adam would be okay.

Bree Davenport

You had just met Giselle Vickers and her movie star, Troy. You didn't trust them at the beginning; they seemed fishy to you. Everyone kept telling you that you were talking crazy. But something in your gut told you that they weren't what they seemed. Unfortunately for you, you were right.

You pulled Troy to the side, wanting to apologize for your behavior. "Troy...I'm sorry for the way I acted. I just got a bad feeling, and I didn't give you a chance. I'm sorry," you apologized. "It's okay, Y/N. were right." He smirked. Next thing you knew, your world around you turned black. You woke up in a white room tied to a chair. "Don't even bother trying to break free." Came Giselle's voice. You gave her a glare and she just laughed. "Put the tough girl face away. I'm not scared of you," she said.

You spat at her, making her slap you across your face. "Freak." She said. Your bionic hearing picked it up. "Creep," you retorted. "I like you. You didn't fall for any of our little tricks; you could be useful for me," she attempted. You laughed. "Try again, princess. You are way down low at the list of people that have tried to kill me." You said. "We'll see how long you last when Bree gets a video of you being tortured to death," she smiled sickly sweet.

Before you could say anything else, Troy has you in a choke hold. You needed to hold out. You knew Bree and the others would come for you.

Chase Davenport

How is it that your boyfriend is the smartest man in the world, and yet, he didn't sense Marcus' evil intentions? Leo did; he knew from the start. Did you believe him? No. Did you believe him now? Yes. Why? You were tied up in Douglas' lair.

-back to 20 minutes ago-

You were at the Davenport house with Big D to set up the Rats' training for after school. Eddy didn't pop up, which worried you; Eddy was always in the lab. "Big D, I thought you designed Eddy," you said. "I did. But I don't know why he's not turning on." He said. "I took care of him," came a new voice. He had spiked hair and dark brown eyes. "Douglas?! I thought you were dead!" Big D said. "Mr. Davenport, who is this?" You asked. "My little brother," he said. He had a brother? You didn't know this.

You walked back into the lab to come face to face with...


A/N:  I'll make a part two that includes Douglas, Leo and Marcus. I can't think of one for Sebastian, since he kinda became irrelevant after the start of season 4. So sorry about abandoning this!

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