It was two in the morning. Keith decided it was finally time to go home. He drove home. Looking at the limo Katie was thrown in, it was in front of her house. He walked to the door and knocked. Katie rubbed her eyes opening the door.
"Hey Keith." She hugged him. He hugged her back as she allowed him to enter. Her parents weren't awake and Matt and Shiro had slept in their bedrooms. Both Keith and Katie slept in the treehouse. Curled up in corners snuggling into the pillow and covers they had. Katie was the first to awaken. She looked at herself in the mirror then at Keith. Their marks were showing. She rubbed her eyes and jumped down off of the tree. Landing on the roof of her house. She looked at the sunrise. Pink purple and dark blue smashed together and blended. Like a picture. The sun rising slowly casting a golden glow upon the earth. She noticed someone's hands had linked with hers. Sat next to her on the cold roof was Lotor. She jumped up a bit.
"How did you get up here?" She asked untangling her fingers from his. She wriggled a bit. He turned his head and smiled.
"I was going to school and noticed you up here so I jumped up and climbed." I laughed and smiled at him.
Why am I like this? I've never liked Lotor. We could be friends. I thought as he smiled like he was looking into my soul.
"Shall we head to school once your dressed?" He carried her bridal style and jumped off of the roof. He landed making no movement other than placing me down and ushering me inside.I looked at my closet stuffed with skirts jeans shorts and green everything. I decided I wanted to go green (like always). So I chose a Knee high Denim skirt and a green top. The top was white with a lion robot. The right arm was red the left green. The head was black and the left foot was yellow and finally the right foot was blue. I chose green trainers with the smallest wedge on them. I walked outside with my hair in a mess. I just pulled it up into a side ponytail. I noticed Keith wasn't awake so I left an alarm clock and a note in the treehouse. Lotor picked me up bridal style again and jumped to the front lawn. There was a white motorbike on the drive. He sat on the front and signalled for me to hop on. I loved a green helmet on and we began to move. We took two minutes to get to school. He chained the bike to a bike parking spot and helped me off.
"Lets go to class early." He urged me to walk with him. As soon as we were at class door he gave me my hoodie. I wrapped it around my waist. Waiting for school to begin.Keith POV
-------———-----------------I woke to an alarm clock saying 7:15. I was gonna be late for school. I ran to school, luckily wearing a blank top and black trousers. I had my usual jacket on. I noticed a note saying Katie was already at school. I sighed in relief knowing she was safe. I had makeup on from the night before. Swear dripped off my face like tears. I noticed Lotor next to Katie playing with her hair. I felt my cheeks light up. She looked so cute in her skirt and hoodie. She waved as I went by to get to my class. Made it. The bell rung and it was time for class.
(Time skip)
Katie came out off class giggling with Lotor. He picked her up bridal style. He'd beaten me to it. He'd won Katie's heart. I spent all my free time sobbing in the bathroom or crying alone outside. Lotor came to me alone, Katie was sat on the step.
"I told you I'd get her first. I'm assembling the gang again. You never had a chance with such a beautiful girl. Especially a royal of the Altean." He whispered in my ear. I felt my cheeks beaten and I sobbed more as he laughed maniacally. Katie ran over noticing.
"What did you say to Keith,my best friend!" She looked at him like she was about to slap him. Instead of telling her he held his hands up in defeat. He grabbed her waist.
"You and me prom." He made the ring me motion with his hand to her. She scowled and looked at me in worry and hurt. She brushed away the tears on my face.
"I'm sorry he's gotten cocky. Me talking to him and all." She tried to embrace me with a hug but I froze and pushed her away.
"No I'll never forgive you. The Katie I know has gone to the dark side. Leave me!" My mood snapped and she left I saw tears like raindrops fall into the floor. Before she left she threw a jacket at me. A green one. It had a card with a message on it:
Happy Birthday Keith.
Here's a gift for you.I didn't care that she got me a gift for my birthday which was held in two days. I only cared that I snapped at her. As the bell rang I ran to class.
(Time skip two weeks later)
I was lucky my birthday was on a weekend. But I had some bad news from Matt, Shiro, my parents and Katie's parents.
"Keith. Honey we have some bad news." My mother began and I noticed behind her was Matt crying his eyes out. But no Katie. It was strange not seeing her.
"Katie's gone missing!" I looked shocked. I felt sorrow and guilt fill me. It was my fault. I had told Katie to leave and she was corrupted by the dark side when it was actually Lotors fault. I blamed her. Tears fell from my face.
"I'm really sorry Matt. I upset her. When she was with Lotor my anger got taken out on her. I'm sorry if I did that made her leave.
So so sorry." I felt Matt sit next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. He hugged me. The one thing I didn't expect.We all heard a cackle and someone say something. Matts eyes looked in shock. He knew what the voice said. Matt spoke slowly and a bit louder than the actual voice.
"The voice said: she's mine and forever will be my girl..."

Boy neighbours Voltron AU
FanfictionKatie is a normal girl. Or so she thought. At the age of five this powerful young lady found out she wasn't fully human. She was Altean! When her new neighbours arrive she greats them, not knowing that one of them as a similar secret... None of the...