Katie is a normal girl. Or so she thought. At the age of five this powerful young lady found out she wasn't fully human. She was Altean! When her new neighbours arrive she greats them, not knowing that one of them as a similar secret...
None of the...
It was finally prom week. We had to dress up to go to space and party anti gravitational way. I was so excited. Lotor was coming but Aaron wasn't. Me, Lotor and the lads (yes I said lads, if you don't know,which I doubt, lads for me means boys). We were going into a suit shop. I saw a nice red suit. It had black buttons and a black shirt. The red silk of the actual suit torso felt so nice. I noticed the black trousers to go with the torso. I picked the full suit up and tried it on. It looked nice. I took it off, the best thing was it was comfortable. I took it to the long line of teenagers that led to the tills. I looked outside the window and saw Alura with Katie next to her. Alura was telling her off, probably because she didn't pick up her size or something stupid like that. The line went down quickly. They gave me two roses. One red and one white. One had my name and the other had Katie's, as requested by Matt. "Do you think she'll go with me?" Lotor asked. I shrugged although I knew she wouldn't unless he spelled her again. Which I wouldn't let him. I'd slap her out of it. (Okay okay I'm done with the puns. For now). I saw Katie again but with a bag. I saw white lace, just a bit, coming out of the bag. We'd done our clothes shopping and that so that was us done.
Pidges POV
I was deep in thought when I looked in the mirror at a white dress. It looked gorgeous and comfy. I wanted it. Alura approved. We bought it and found matching white heels. Alura tried on a greyish silver dress. It looked gorgeous. I liked it. I approved and she bought the set. I saw Keith as we walked past a shop in a long line of boys. I sniggered. "The Prom is tomorrow and nobody had asked you out! I'm supervising and even if it takes me more than an hour I will get you a partner for the night!" She stated and I giggled again. "I have someone in mind." I mumbled. Soon we would be in space. I knew my brother had something he wanted to show Alura. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face.
&*( Le Time skip brought to you by Lance.)*&
It was time to get ready I needed help with my makeup. I knew how I just needed a little help. I called Alura. She came over and we did each others makeup. She looked amazing. We got changed. This is what we looked like after:
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I felt amazing. Alura looked stunning. Then we heard a knock on the door. We both walked elegantly down the stairs and my mother opened the door. Keith and the lads (boys). Keith got on one knee and showed me the white rose to match my outfit. It had my name on it. "Will you do me the honour of going to prom with me?" I slapped a hand over my mouth. I felt butterflies dance to a sacred song in my stomach. "Of course Keith!" Alura cheered she didn't need to get me someone. He stood up after placing the rose bracelet on my wrist. He offered me his arm and I gladly accepted. I placed my head on his shoulder. He lowered his head on top of mine. Me smiled as we walked.
We came to a stop at the NASA space station. We were boarded onto a space craft. I liked it. Matt had joined us, Alura's head was on his shoulder. So Cute! I thought. I nudged him slightly. "Ready for the big night, bro?" I emphasised big because he had a surprise for Alura. He nodded. We had slot of space (I'm sorry I had too). So it was al the least two each row. We looked out of the window as the countdown rung. 10, 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 lift off! I had fallen asleep. Typical me. Keith woke me up. Nobody but us we're int he space craft. More like in the large castle. So cool! He helped me out of the craft and we walked into the castle. The song immediately started. My hand was taken by a boy behind me. I looked at Keith and a girl had taken his hands. We danced to the rhythm. As the song stopped we all parted. "Place your votes for Prom king and Queen in here!" Coran gestured to two boxes next to him. We were all given two slips of paper and a pen. I wrote down the names, Keith Kogane and Elizabeth of Altea society. It had to be those two. Keith I loved and I didn't want to put my own name down so it just happened. I placed them in the boxes and returned the pen. The music began again. Lotor grabbed my hand this time. We danced gracefully but stiffly. He was like a robot. "Remember the plan Pidgeon?" I shook my head patting in the middle of the dance. "What do you mean Lotor!" I shouted, he gestured toward his crew. I knew he wanted to blow this prom up. I shook my head. "Follow me," he muttered as he dragged me,"so you can live. The bomb is planted." I was dragged to an escape pod and locked in. I banged on the door. Screaming and shouting for help. Lotor pushed the button and I fell worried as I flew away in the pod. Alarms blurred and Keith looked my way. I was still screaming and pounding. He ran over to Lotor who ushered him into his escape pod. He then pushed my friends in and pressed the button. We were flying into space. Nobody could save us. I fell asleep...