(Set when Lilly and Shiro are twelve)
Lilly woke to her mother shouting them. It was time for school. She was just like her mother with glasses gingery-brown hair. She had cut it as short as her mother. But she was told she was taller than her mother at her age. That made her laugh. Shiro got up and dressed in uniform. White button up shirt with black blazer and black trousers. His hear was like his fathers black and like a mullet. Katie was downstairs making lunch for the two. Peanut butter sandwiches. Their favourite just like their mother. Lilly got into her knee high black shirt. White socks, white button up shirt and blazer. She brushed her hair and left it. The twins both put on their black shoes and walked to their father.
"Morning sunshines." He chirped. They hugged him, he felt the urge to ruffle Lilly's hair like he did to Pidge. He didn't but he would when she got home.
"Mum, Dad remember I'm at my friends house tonight, for a sleepover. So please don't worry." They smiled at her and Pidge came in with two lunch bags.
"Here you go Lilly... here you go Shiro." She handed them their bags. Lilly's green and Shiro's black. They hopped outside and into a large car. A Ferrari. It was dark green and red swirled around. They rode to the school. And soon enough they were there.
"Bye honeys!" Katie waved and drove to the carpark around back. They were gonna surprise Lilly and Shiro. They hadn't told them they were going to be in assembly as special guests. Lilly had won mental learner of the year and Shiro had won Physical learner of the year.In assembly...
"Hello students. Today is finally learners of the year. Their can only be three..." the headteacher greeted and the students buzzed with excitement. The headteacher sat down and another rose. It was head of the progress department.
"First is who had improved the most from being the 'I don't have a clue what's happening' too 'I learnt this!" The teacher paused as she was given a piece of paper.
"And the student of my department is... drum roll please... Layla Hacken!" Everyone clapped rapidly as A tall skinny girl stood up. Her long orange hair trailing behind her. She was given a trophy and a medal, her parents came out from the curtain and gave her a hug before sitting on the parents chairs.She sat down on a chair on stage. The teacher sat down. Another arose.
"And next is physical department. This person has gone from wimpy to strong!" Everyone gasped.
"Drumroll please..." the man looked at the paper and announced the name.
"Shiro Kogane!" Keith came out from the curtain while Shiro stood up. He approached his father. He got a huge hug, medal and Trophy. Before his dad sat on a parent chair. There was one more. Shiro sat down on stage and the physical teacher sat down. Another teacher, this time with glasses on, arose.
"And finally my department, intelligence of the brain, for this year. Drumroll please..." she looked at the paper and announced a name nobody thought was coming.
"Lilly Kogane!" Lilly stood up her really short hair drifting behind her as she strode. Everyone clapped rapidly. Katie came from the curtain and embraced Lilly with a huge hug.
"I'm so proud of you both." She whispered before parting the hug. Lilly was awarded the medal and Trophy. The head teacher rose as the mental department teacher sat.
"Parents anything you want to say?" Katie nodded and so did Keith. The teacher gestured to the microphone.
"Well we are so proud of our children. Don't bully them like I was, trust me it will backfire." Katie giggled and Keith took over.
"Any questions for the winners at all. I'm sure they'll answer them. Unless it's homework questions." The crowd of children giggled with Keith. Someone's hand shot up.
"Wasup?" Katie face palmed at Keith.
"Well, I was wondering. Do you know King Lotor?" Katie nodded. Keith scowled while he nodded.
"Well my dad wants to know, how did Lilly and Shiro become so intelligent and strong. I can get intelligent but strong isn't anywhere on you two." Katie's eyes darkened.
"Adrien! I didn't know you were here, I thought you were at a better school!" Adrien looked at Lilly. He smiled.
"Well I'll answer your question. Keith and I are stronger than you may thing." The two hugged and stood down.
"Well done to all three children!" Katie shouted. Everyone clapped. At the end of assembly Adrien stood outside waiting for Lilly.She finally came out.
"Hello babe. Sorry I didn't warn you." He rubbed the back of his head.
"Don't sweat it." They both giggled. Katie and Keith were at the doorway with Shiro jr. The old gang of theirs stood behind. Lance crossed his fingers and so did Lotor. Lilly and Adrien held hands.
"I love you Lilly." He looked her straight in the eyes smiling. He was answered back with a kiss on the lips from Lilly. His face lit up. They parted.
"I love you too." The gang of old looked surprised at the two children.
"Ow so sappy! Yuck!" They two love birds turned to see Shiro jr. they hugged.
"We don't care. You like Emily. So you can't say anything." The siblings and fan of old laughed, even Adrien laughed.That's it the final chapter of this book. Hope you enjoyed it.

Boy neighbours Voltron AU
FanfictionKatie is a normal girl. Or so she thought. At the age of five this powerful young lady found out she wasn't fully human. She was Altean! When her new neighbours arrive she greats them, not knowing that one of them as a similar secret... None of the...