Chapter 2 Sam's Project

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Scarlett POV

"Okay, mister Witwicky, you're up" our history teacher, Mr. Hosney, called. He sounded irritated and eager for today's lesson to end so he could get home and rest.

I had some empathy for our teacher. Who wouldn't be sick and tired of spending nearly nine months teaching a class of irritating 16-year-olds?

Definitely not me. Truthfully, we are all a bunch of 16-year-old idiots. And perhaps for this reason, I am considering what the All-Spark told me about myself, and maybe I am really not connected or related to this group of dickheads. 

I saw Sam approach the front of the class while carrying his bag in his hand. He then tipped it upside down, letting everything inside spill onto the table, and some of it even hit the floor. I groaned and facepalmed so hard that I believed I nearly fell off my seat.

'Oh, Sammy, my boy, you're off to a rough start' I thought almost out loud.

"Sorry, I got a lot of stuff" Sam said, trying to make an excuse quickly. I watched as the class laughed at Sammy's stupidity. I was trying so hard not to laugh with them.

"Oh-kay. For my Family genea- Ah-" He started but was unable to continue because a rubber band struck him in the face.

And once more, a small laugh could be heard throughout the class. I instantly recognized the culprit. I pulled a rubber band out of my pocket and launched it toward Trent. When it struck him in the head, he spun around. I swiftly give Trent a deadly gaze as my normal eyes turn a brilliant red color.

 I swiftly give Trent a deadly gaze as my normal eyes turn a brilliant red color

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He turned away from me after showing a terrified expression. Even though it was only for a split second, I know I scared the crap out of him, so I smirk. Once I calmed down, I felt my eyes return to normal.

"Who did- who did that? People! Responsibility"Mr Hosney shouted. I rolled my eyes at our teacher's lateness in addressing the problem. 

'I really don't feel bad for him anymore' I thought.

"Okay. Um. So for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In Fact, he was one of the first... to explore... the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal" Sam explained. I rolled my eyes when he said the last part. 

'Really, Sammy. It's not necessary to say that it was a big deal. It was obviously an important deal' I thought. 

I suddenly heard Snow start to snarl under her breath. She was growling at Trent when I looked down. I saw Trent was about to send another flying rubber band at Sam when I turned around to face him. Before he could fire, I swiftly grabbed a different rubber band and fired it at him first. He turned to face me after rubbing the area where it had struck him. I gave him a death gaze and pointed another rubber band in his direction.

He stopped what he was doing and nodded that he wouldn't do it. I nodded and resumed listening to Sammy's presentation as my eyes returned back to normal.

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