Scarlett POV
I woke up as soon as the sun hit my face. I tried to cover myself from the sun but it was no use. I opened my eyes and found myself on a car.
'Huh, wait car? Oh right, I almost forgot. I felt asleep on Ironhide automobile' I thought. I was so comfortable that I didn't wanted to wake up from my peaceful sleep but the stupid sun had to ruin my sleep.
I quickly untied my red square shirt that I had on my waist and put in in my face so that the sun will leave me alone. I was about to close my eyes once again but Ironhide's voice had to interrupted my sleep.
"I see that the sleepy beauty is finally awake. Hey, don't fall asleep on me again" He said with an irritated voice.
"Urg, Ironhide, I didn't knew that you were so grumpy pants" I said. I heard a groan coming from the radio. I sat up and looked around to see that we were on the highway.
"Well, you been sleeping for almost 10 hours now. I couldn't transformed earlier because of you. I need to stretch my legs you know" He said.
"Well, you could've woke me sooner. I would of gladly gotten out so you could of stretch" I said.
"Optimus ordered me to not wake you up. And to make it fair for everyone. Nobody has transform" He said.
"Oh, so you have been driving all this time?" I asked.
"Yup" was his only replied. Time pass and at that moment I heard my stomach let out a loud growl. I felt my face turned red from embarrassment.
'I hope he didn't hear that' I thought but the universe wasn't on my side.
"What was that?" He asked. I sighed.
"That was my stomach telling me that it needs food. I haven't ate nothing since the 15 hours" I said.
"I saw a sign earlier that said that there was a stopping point just a couple of miles away. We could stop so you could eat something" He said. I smiled when I realized that he actually cared about me.
"That will be great. Thanks, Ironhide" I said and without thinking hugged the steering wheel. I felt the seat heat up a bit which I found weird.
"No problem, kiddo" He said. I saw the that we were getting closer but I then remember something.
"Ironhide, where are the others? I don't see no one in front of us" I asked.
"Following from behind" He replied. I looked through the side mirror to see Optimus' semi truck following Ironhide and also could see Ratchet and Jazz.
"Oh" I said. He then got out of the road and headed to the small stopping point. I saw the rest of the Autobots soon follow suit. I noticed that the stopping point was actually really big. It had a huge restaurant with a nearby gas station. It also had a couple of small stores and a large hotel.
Ironhide parked himself and turn of the car. I opened the door and got out. I started stretching my body.
"Oh, my God, that was a long drive there" I said and saw the others parked themselves next to Ironhide. Luckily, Ironhide choice a far away parking so no one could hear us speak.
"Hey, why did we stop, Ironhide. We can't waste time you know" I heard Jazz tell Ironhide.
"Not my fault, dumbass. Tsk, the femme was hungry. Honestly, what do you wanted me to do about it" Ironhide told Jazz.
"Oh and we need to waste time just so she could eat something. The whole world is in trouble and we are wasting time" Jazz said.
"Stop it, you two! Scarlett is someone important. We could wait a little for her to get something to eat" Optimus said.

Optimus Prime Love Story (Transformers First Book)
FanfictionIn this story, a young woman named Scarlett Taylor sees how moving in with her best friend, Sam Witwicky, will drastically alter her life. She frequently dreams of a huge robot telling her what will happen in the future. Suddenly, one ordinary day...