Chapter 8 Looking For The Glasses

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Scarlett POV

I approached Optimus because I wanted to be honest with him because he seemed like someone you could trust with anything. I wasn't ready to tell Sam or Mikaela who I truly was, but for some reason, I trusted Optimus with this information. When he spotted me, he knelt at my height.

"Scarlette, what's wrong? What could I help you with?" He asked.

"Umh, Optimus, I would like to know whether I can ride back to our house with you. I must tell you something important" I said. He nodded.

"Of course" He said as he transformed back into a semi-truck. Sam called out my name from behind as I was ready to enter after I had opened the door.

"Huh, what's up, Sammy?" I asked, turning around to look at him.

"So you're going with him?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask him a few things and allow you and Mikaela some private time. I'll see you at home" I replied and entered the semi-truck. I sat down and soon felt the seat belt wrapped around my body. 

"So tell me, what did you want to ask?" Optimus asked as soon as we entered the main road with everyone else following. His voice came from the radio which I found really cool. I took a deep breath before speaking up. 

"Well, I-I wanted to tell you the truth about myself and the tattoos. I hope you are mad, but I also recently learned the truth about myself, so I guess I was afraid of telling you the whole truth and becoming the center of attention at that particular time. That's why I wanted to speak with you, and maybe you could tell your team later" I explained.

"I understand. If you want, I could use a communication system called comm-link to join our chat with everyone else's. Like that, you could speak to us about whatever you didn't feel like presenting to us previously" He suggested.

"Really? Can you please do that? Like a phone call?" I asked.

"Of course. But only if you want to" He said. I nodded.

"I do, thank you, Optimus" I said. Optimus immediately established a connection with the other Autobots, and even Sam and Mikaela were able to communicate with me.

"Alright, Scarlett. You could go ahead and speak now whenever you are ready" Optimus said. I nodded.

"Hello, everyone, could you hear me? I want to tell you something very important even you Sam and Mikaela" I said.

":: We could hear you, Scarlett. Go on::" I heard Mikaela answer. Several other "yeses" and "yeahs" could also be heard coming from the communication link.

"I want to start by apologizing and not saying it sooner, but I kind of lied when I said that I wasn't aware of my tattoos earlier. In fact, I didn't even know why I had them until later today. I was just really nervous" I said.

":: It's alright, Lil' lady, we forgive you::" Jazz replied. I smiled.

"Well, let me first explain myself to you guys. I'm not a real human being. I was changed into a human at an early age to protect myself from being captured.  And my actual name isn't actually Scarlett but Midnight" I said.

":: Midnight? What kind of name is Midnight?::" Sam asked.  I then heard Sam cry out in pain.

":: Stop interrupting and let her explain herself::" I heard Mikaela scold Sam from the other side of the call. I chuckled softly and suddenly felt the seat beneath me start to heat up a bit but I didn't say anything.

"Well, like I said. My real name is actually Midnight Prime" I said but was quickly cut off short by Ratchet.

":: PRIME! YOU'RE A PRIME?::" Ratchet yelled. I sighed.

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