Scarlett POV
"Go hide. Quickly" I heard Sam tell Mikaela and quickly guided her to go hide somewhere in that messy room of his. I quickly ran to the window to tell the Autobots to go hide as well. I was more worried about Mom and Dad finding the Autobots rather than Mikaela.
"Guys! Go hide, our parents are at the door" I yelled in a whisper.
"Well, technically, they're Sam's parents, however because they adoptive me, they told me to call them Mom and Dad now. Anyway that doesn't matter right now. I need you all to go hide right now" I ordered. My usual blue eyes had become purple. I watched them look at me unmoving for some time until they eventually snapped out of whatever daze they were in and followed my instructions.
From the other side of the door, I heard Mom comment, "You know he'll start counting if you don't open the door."
"I going to start counting. Five...." I heard Dad say and started counting.
"Oh dear" Mom said. I saw Mikaela quickly hided behind a chair that had a bunch of stuff on top.
"Four" Dad said, "I'm going to break the door down." I had no idea what Sam was doing. I quickly tried to make the room a little less messy but soon gave up on that idea. I didn't want to be around whatever interaction Sam and our parents were about to have so I quickly climbed out the window into the roof. I saw the Autobots give me a shocked expression but I just ignored them and quickly ran to my bedroom window and went through.I waited a couple of seconds before coming out of my room and joining Sam and our parents that were arguing with each other back and forth.
"Look, you can't just bounce into my room like that. You got to knock. Got to communicate" I heard Sammy tell Dad and Mom. I gave Sam a "are serious" look and placed my hands on my hips. Though, because this is Sam, I shouldn't have been surprise. I just couldn't believe that was the best answer he could come up with.
Dad told Sam that they'd knocked, but Sam, being the moron that he is, insisted that they hadn't, even though it was true. They started arguing back and forth, which caused Mom and I to look at one another and show puzzled expressions. At last, Mom had had enough."Calm down, Sam, you're so defensive" Mom said, "were you masturbating?" I quickly covered my mouth and tried not to laugh out loud at what Mom said while at the same time trying not to puke. I saw Sam and Dad give Mom a look of disbelief at what she just said.
"I mean you don't have to call it that word if that makes you uncomfortable. You can call it Sam's happy time or my special alone time" Mom said. Nope, I couldn't hold it more longer. I burst into fits of laughter while also trying hard to not think to much about it and puke.
"Judy please stop" I heard Dad tell Mom trying to make her stop talking and at the same time Sam added, "Yeah, Mom, stop."
"I am sorry. It just been a weird night. I've had a little bit to drink" Mom said.
"A little, Mom? How about a lot?" I asked. Mom send me a small disappointing glare but I only smiled which made her smiled back at me.
"Well, we saw a light. I don't know where it was but we saw it" I heard Dad say coming from the bathroom and just then the whole house began to shake again. I wondered if the Autobots know what the word discreet mean because they sure don't. At that moment, Mikaela came out of her hiding place which caught both of Mom and Dad's attention.
"Hi, I'm Mikaela and will am a friend of Sam and Scarlett" Mikaela said.
"Gosh you are so gorgeous. Isn't that the prettiest girl I ever seen" Mom said making little giggles.
"Mom, she is hearing you" Sam told her Mom while Sam and Dad did a little fist bump.
"Thank you" Mikaela told Mom.

Optimus Prime Love Story (Transformers First Book)
FanfictionIn this story, a young woman named Scarlett Taylor sees how moving in with her best friend, Sam Witwicky, will drastically alter her life. She frequently dreams of a huge robot telling her what will happen in the future. Suddenly, one ordinary day...