Chapter 10 A Get Away

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Scarlett POV

"Taking the children was a bad move" Optimus said using a low voice. A few men in black came around the car and pointed their weapons at him.

"Autobots relieve them of their weapons" He said using a deeper and hotter voice. I looked around and smile as the Autobots arrived and pointed their giant weapons at the men in black. All were shocked and scared when they saw the Autobots come out of hiding.

"Give me those" Jazz said and the weapons of the men went into his hand or claw. Optimus went on his knees to get on eye length with Mr. Creepy Guy.

"Hi there" was all Mr. Creepy Guy could bring himself to say. He was obviously shocked but he kept his cool.

"You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus asked coming a little closer to his face.

"Look here, there are several protocols okay? I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you" He explained.

"Get out of the car" Optimus ordered.

"All right. Me? you want me to.." but Mr. Creepy Guy was cut off short.

"NOW!" Optimus ordered him. I smiled and let go of his neck before jumping out of the car.

"Alright, alright getting out. Hey I'm getting out, I'm getting out you see?" He said while he was getting out of the car.

"I love attitude, big guy It fits you" I told Optimus with a cheesy smile. Optimus lightly smiled. I quickly went over to were Sam and Mikaela were at.

Optimus POV

I smiled when Scarlett told me that she love my voice. I saw her go towards were Sam and the other human girl name Mikaela were at. Sam and Mikaela began to question the male that I spoke to earlier. Both asked him how did he knew about us and about some place name Sector 7. I then noticed that Scarlett was in some kind of pain.

"Where is the sector?" Sam asked the man.

"I'm not going to tell you" the man said.

"Really? Alright, Mr. Creepy Guy, how about this?" Scarlett began, "Tell us everything you know about sector 7 and I might not break your ugly face for hitting me earlier and giving me a headache." Her eyes turned from blue to a deep red.

'He hit her?!' I thought, and my anger grew.

"Go to hell, bitch!" He yelled at her. I watched Bee start to lubricate the man. Even if that lessened my rage, I still had to stop him.

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man," I said sternly at the young Autobot.

"Get that thing to stop!?" the man shouted as Bee made the man become drenched in oil.

"Good one, Bee" Scarlett said but stop and grabbed her head in a painful manner.

"Scarlett, you need some help there" Ratchet asked her.

"Yeah, I got hurt a little" she said and jump on Ratchet's servo. I relaxed knowing that she was with someone I trust.

Scarlett POV

I jumped onto Ratchet's servo, who quickly began tending to my injured head. I observed Sam and Mikaela handcuffing every men in black as soon as I was lifted back down. I went in right away to help them. 

"Alright tough guy take it off" Mikaela told Mr. Creepy Guy.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Your clothes, all of it, off" She said

"For what?" He asked.

"For threatening my Dad" Mikaela added. He was about to say something but I butt in.

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