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I wanted one foot on the summit of freezing Everest; and the other foot on rock hard slabs of civilized ground,

I wanted one foot in insurmountably blazing infernos of forest fire; and the other foot on an pristine island of divinely white ice,

I wanted one foot on a mesmerizing blanket of verdant grass; and the other foot on a savage battlefield of belligerently acrid thorns,

I wanted one foot on a paradise of bountifully rhapsodic joy; and the other foot on anecdotes of placidly solitary gloom,

I wanted one foot on a stupendously boisterous hive of poignantly swarming bees; and the other foot on the graveyard which harbored nothing but clouds of celestial peace,

I wanted one foot on a Godly festoon of salubriously rubicund fruits; and the other foot on miniscule pints of inexplicable illness,

I wanted one foot on a supremely benevolent platform of uninhibited humanity; and the other foot on remotely rare spurts of flirtatious mischief,

I wanted one foot on an irrefutable idol of sacred truth; and the other foot on a shallow ocean of blatantly glaring lies,

I wanted one foot on a profusely redolent carpet of voluptuous rose; and the other foot on the flimsily open lid of the fetid dustbin,

I wanted one foot on a boundless township of immortal romance; and the other foot on the wildly philandering horse which traversed past the neighboring girl's doorstep,

I wanted one foot on a field of opulently glistening fabric; and the other foot on diminutive rags of tottered jute,

I wanted one foot on lanes inundated with melodiously sweet sugarcane; and the other foot on a pinch of piquantly passionate ocean salt,

I wanted one foot on an electric paced galloping air-plane; and the other foot on the potbellied tortoise which thought infinite times before taking even a single step,

I wanted one foot on a tantalizingly relentless chain of seductive fantasy; and the other foot on profoundly pragmatic thought which brought me back into the

mainstream of day-to-day life,

I wanted one foot on the mystical valley reverberating thunderously with heavenly sound; and the other foot on the unimaginative road strewn with bits of

paper and regular traffic,

I wanted one foot on the unsurpassably towering giant's scalp; and the other foot on the mousetrap delectably sandwiched in the cloistered interiors of the dilapidated household,

I wanted one foot on the pungently sharp scintillating sword; and the other foot on the tremendously blunt coconut which kept sinking deeper as I tossed it about,

I wanted one foot on a majestic desert basking in the glory of princely sunlight; and the other foot on evanescent shades of the diabolically treacherous night,

I have wished a life like this O! Almighty lord; right since the time I emitted my first cry; and would feel the most privileged if you bestowed a life such as this; to perhaps if not me; then atleast one of my fellow kind.

taking her breath away O! Almighty Lord; buryme alive a thousand feet beneath my corpse; till the time you wanted thisplanet to continue.

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 3Where stories live. Discover now