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If you thought that the entire world was your majestic stage; and you could exuberantly dance on its enigmatically marvelous platform; for centuries immemorial,

If you thought that the entire world was your resplendent stage; and you could uninhibitedly frolic on its bountifully fantastic landscape; till even beyond the

aisles of infinite infinity,

If you thought that the entire world was your priceless stage; and you could unrestrictedly sleep in its celestially spell binding cradle; till infinite more births of yours yet to unveil,

If you thought that the entire world was your vivacious stage; and you could indefatigably learn in its philanthropically symbiotic lap; for decades unprecedented,

If you thought that the entire world was your eclectic stage; and you could unrelentingly fantasize in its blessed mists; for a zillion minutes,

If you thought that the entire world was your proliferating stage; and you could unstoppably kiss in its compassionate embrace; till the time mother earth synergistically existed,

If you thought that the entire world was your mesmerizing stage; and you could artistically discover on its incredibly tantalizing trajectory; for an unfathomable gorge of endless hours which none had the power to conceive,

If you thought that the entire world was your royal stage; and you could uncontrollably rejoice in its waterfalls of perennially enchanting love; for as long

as the clock of life inscrutably ticked,

If you thought that the entire world was your patriotic stage; and you could unflinchingly adventure in its ship of intrepidly limitless ecstasy; till tireless fortnights galore,

If you thought that the entire world was your ingratiating stage; and you could harmoniously mélange in its swirl of invincibly unshakable brotherhood;

till even beyond the veritable definitions of time,

If you thought that the entire world was your scintillating stage; and you could victoriously blaze in its spirit of sacrosanct mankind; for instants unsurpassable,

If you thought that the entire world was your pristine stage; and you could unceasingly exult in its rainbow of untainted desire; for a fathomlessly more euphoric


If you thought that the entire world was your undefeated stage; and you could sensuously fulminate in its mountain of ardently unparalleled yearning; till entrenchments beyond the construable reach of voice,

If you thought that the entire world was your divinely stage; and you could titillate every slavering ingredient of your skin in its fountain of unblemished happiness; for as long as breath remained as the sole panacea for leading life,

If you thought that the entire world was your emollient stage; and you could quench your every benign yearning in its Sun of Omnipotent success; till even after the last trace of strength had extradited from your bones,

If you thought that the entire world was your inimitable stage; and you could ecstatically innovate in its fabric of supreme selflessness; till even the most mercurial decibel of sound palpitated in the atmosphere,

If you thought that the entire world was your unconquerable stage; and you could innocuously paint its vividly flocculent canvas; as long as there was Sun and Moon with equal equanimity in sapphire sky,

If you thought that the entire world was your miraculous stage; and you could immortally bond in its romantically impeccable paradise; for days and nights


Then what you are thinking is unassailably right; if only you could add BY THE GRACE OF GOD to each of your holistically Samaritan thoughts; O! Yes all that you are thinking is more than a 100 % true reflection of your humanitarian soul; by the grace of the Creator Divine.

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 3Where stories live. Discover now