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On one hand you say; that I should indefatigably worship my parents; more than I could've worshipped the greatest of Gods,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who pulverized and ruthlessly massacred Mother Nature for simply no ostensible reason or rhyme; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they mercilessly massacred trees and mother nature;

just to spuriously clean their dwellings of untamed wild and natural outgrowths.

On one hand you say; that I should interminably worship my parents feet night and day; no matter how much hell ruthlessly rained upon planet divine,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who consider haplessly orphaned children as pieces of worthless shit; nor should I ever dare do

the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they disdainfully discarded every other wailing child on this Universe except their very own; based on the spurious pretext that their child was the most beautiful of them all.

On one hand you say; that I should limitlessly worship even the tiniest reflection of my parents; make it the sole mantra and breath of my impoverished destined life,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who in this free planet who despicably made others hoarsely scrub their lavatories and floors; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they made countless slave for them all throughout their existence; at times dictating even uneducated innocent youth to extricate the last bit of grime from beneath their lavatory seat; and then justifying their unbearable actions by paying few wads of currency note.

On one hand you say; that I should dedicatedly worship my parents for whatever they were; howsoever they were; just for bringing me blissfully onto this victoriously unbridled planet,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who fetidly discriminate between one religion/caste/creed and the other; nor should I ever

dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they vehemently and wholeheartedly ostracized other

religions and tribes as terrorists; proclaiming their own religion to be the most celestially unconquerable and blessed of them all.

On one hand you say; that I should tirelessly worship my parents above all existing truth and righteousness on this planet; till even after I exhaled my very last breath,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who shrewdly manipulate their way in life to the absolute top; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they sacrilegiously lied at several occasions with living kind and society; for invincibly adding that extra bit of glimmer to their already hoisted flag of unfettered success.

On one hand you say; that I should perpetually worship my parents; taking even the most intangible word that they uttered; as the ultimate command of my truncated


On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who refrain from philanthropically reaching out to despairing humanity; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they unnecessarily splurged countless of their wealth

in sanctimonious society formalities; parties; their own children's marriages; without benevolently donating even a bygone penny for the betterment and amelioration of penuriously strangulated mankind.

On one hand you say; that I should unstoppably worship even the most obfuscated footprint left by my parents on soil; make it the sole path of heavenly enlightenment in my humble life,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who heartlessly believed in adhering to the principles of baselessly tyrannizing formality; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they let the perverted norms of formality in this world; force their very own children to pursue things on this earth that they never desired or wanted.

On one hand you say; that I should relentlessly worship even the most oblivious wrinkle on my parent's forehead; find the ultimate destinations and epitomes

of my life; in the unassailable whites of their eyes,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who ruthlessly and deliberately killed innocuous organisms and insects without a pang of hunger in their stomachs; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they barbarously killed countless ants; flies; bees; rats; cockroaches and the likes within their house; so that it exactly resembled like the spic and span aisles of infallible paradise.

On one hand you say; that I should unflinchingly worship even the last iota of spit which my parents wafted; savoring it as the most priceless blessing upon me on this fathomlessly enchanting earth,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who clearly heard every cry of despair from the planet and yet remained silent; nor should I

ever dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; who infact at times; wholesomely heard the inexhaustibly maiming wails of

humanity; but yet closed their doors impregnably shut; partly because of the fear that they'd land up behind bars if they helped; and partly because their routine sleep was too dear for them to lose.

On one hand you say; that I should eternally worship even the most inconspicuous globule of sweat of my parents; treasuring it as the most inimitably unconquerable good luck charm of my life,

On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who solely propagated the axiom of "Live Like a king" and not "Live and Let live like a king";

nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,

Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; thatshould I ever worship my parents or not; who infact at times; couldn'tselfishly see anyone else but their own kin and themselves in the mirror of theworld; and who tirelessly wanted only these few to "Live like a King".    

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 3Where stories live. Discover now