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God unsurpassably loves all those rays of the Sun which atleast try their 100 % to blisteringly shine; blaze the trajectory of this earth with intrepidly peerless enlightenment; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God limitlessly loves all those Mountains which atleast try their 100 % to unflinchingly defend; compassionately sequester billions of haplessly impoverished in their wonderfully impregnable belly; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God timelessly loves all those clouds which atleast try their 100 % to shower tantalizing droplets of water; tirelessly inundate traumatically pulverized spaces of land with spellbindingly charismatic rain; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God fathomlessly loves all those trees which atleast try their 100 % to waft into celestially tranquil shade; resplendently enamor even the most infinitesimally dreary bones of the frenetically beleaguered traveler with unparalleled coolness; not

bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God immeasurably loves those bricks which atleast try their 100 % to solidify the colossal edifice; become a quintessentially unshakable ingredient of the foundation even in the worst of apocalypses and for times immemorial; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unconquerably loves all those winds which atleast try their 100 % to unequivocally liberate; grant the wings of magically uninhibited freedom to

every organism besieged with manipulatively asphyxiating prejudice; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unprecedentedly loves all those women who atleast try their 100 % to give birth to countless more of her kind; contribute their very best in inexhaustibly continuing the chapters of priceless procreation; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God boundlessly loves all those philanthropist's who atleast try their 100% to holistically mitigate every fraternity of despairingly tyrannized humanity;

selflessly embrace every deprived orphan in their swirl of unassailable humanity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God insurmountably loves all those flowers which atleast try their 100 % to ubiquitously disseminate the scent of fragrant brotherhood; miraculously

rejuvenate delinquently dying corpses towards the paradise of effulgently harmonious newness; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God endlessly loves all those granules of soil which atleast try their 100% to burgeon into ebulliently triumphant fruit; beautifully mollify the treacherously emaciated intestines of every bereaved organism; with the endowment of nature divine; not

bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unfathomably loves all those artist's who atleast try their 100% to indefatigably evolve; brilliantly capture the beauty of this unlimitedly panoramic earth; in the singularly bucolic sheet of their barren canvas; not bothered a trifle about

the outcome to unveil.

God unbiasedly loves all those rainbows which atleast try their 100% to incredibly stupefy the lives of all those cancerously crucified; for just transiently truncated intervals of time; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unceasingly loves all those waves of the ocean which atleast try their 100% to poignantly enrich the lives of one and all; with the majestically untainted

fervor of pristinely untamed froth; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unshakably loves all those teachers who atleast try their 100 % to sagaciously educate every gutter of disparagingly lecherous illiteracy; with the principles of symbiotically emollient existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unendingly loves all those meadows which atleast try their 100 % to diffuse into mischievously unfettered frolic; metamorphose every vicariously corrupt politician into an innocent child once again; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God eternally loves all those bones which atleast try their 100 % to persevere towards the aisles of gloriously unhindered righteousness; diffuse the true sweat of dazzlingly synergistic existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God unstoppably loves all those paths which atleast try their 100 % to infallibly progress towards Samaritan prosperity; fearlessly face a countless devils on the way; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

God perpetually loves all those breath's which atleast try their 100 % to perpetuate a whole new civilization of passionate togetherness and royal camaraderie; every time they exhaled; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

And God immortally loves all those heart's which atleast try their 100% to unabashedly love; unchallangably coalesce in bonds of everlastingly redolent unity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 3Where stories live. Discover now