Chapter 5

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"Who the hell are you people? Leave December alone!" I said as I let the boy go and ran to December.

One of the men stood in front of me with his arms crossed. "We are not here to hurt you" he said as he uncrossed his arms and held them up as a sign of peace. "We are Pro Bell" I glanced at December who was still holding Sterling.

"Okay. So what do you want?" I said. There was more of them then us and I don't trust the boy so its basically only me that can fight since December isn't done with her training. Not that that matters now

"We want to help" he said and I scoffed at that.

"That's the same thing he said. Which led all you guys to me. How do I know I can trust you? That you guys are not lying just to lead me to the King?"

"If we truly wanted to lead you to the King you would have been there already. We've been following you ever since you moved to his house. Thanks to Obi."

I glared at Obi and then looked at the men and sighed. "So what do you want?"

One of the men stepped up to me. "My name is Andu. I am currently the leader. We would like to help you. In any way possible"

"Why?" I said. "Why now? Especially since you have been looking and following me since day one. Why now?"

"Because you are in more danger than you ever were. It's been a year and the King has put a bounty on your head. Also now you have a child."

"If Obi never told me about you. Would you still have made yourselves known and helped me?"

"Slowly yes. Trust would have been hard so slowly we each would have conveniently made ourselves known to you"

"Just like Obi?"

"Yes in a similar form"

All the information was drowning my head. It was only a year ago that I pretended to be weak to be left alone. That I snuck out and became the White Knight. That I was an outcast. Now I am a father and husband. Now I have to live my life on the run. Now I have to fight for my love and their lives.

I had to protect my own. I couldn't let them get hurt.

"Ok. You may come along. But I am in charge. I will not have my baby and wife be in danger."

"We wouldn't have it any other way. Master" he said and lowered himself to one knee and lowered his head. His men followed his actions

"Please rise. No need to bow. I am no king nor anyone of power"

"But one day you shall be. That I believe"

One of the men walked to Andu and whispered something in his ear, which he nodded with.

"All your bags are packed Master. Including Sterling milk and extra milk just in case."

I nodded and looked at the guy holding two bags.

"Should we leave now or in the morning? Would your men like some rest?"

"No master. They are all in perfect shape. Please let us be on our way do we do not burn more daylight"

"I agree"

We left the house. December stood by my side and Sterling was quiet then went to sleep. We walked at a fast pause as night began to draw near.

No towns were near us and we did not know how much longer we would have to walk til we reached the next town so we decided to make a small fire to calm down and get a break.

Though that didn't last for long.

With the night sky we were able to see the auburn flashes and the ash drifting in the air. The Kings men must have found my house.

"We must keep moving. They are on our tail"

"Yes master. Men let us be going"

The men did not complain. They simply packed up and put out the fire and began to walk. As if they had been training for this their whole lives.

We spent days at a time walking. Never stoping. I could tell December was tired and so was Sterling. Even I was tired. I had no rest and each minute we spent resting the Kings men gained on us, so we had to keep walking.

"Are your men as tired as I am?"

"Master my men are never tired. They are tools here to follow your every command."


"Yes master. We see your tools that you may use as you see fit"

"Is that what you think of your men. Merely tools. You hardly know me"

"I know you enough master"

"You know nothing. You assume you know everything just because you started to watch me a year ago."

"No master. We were watching you much longer than that"

"What? I do not understand. How long have you been watching me?"

"Since your mothers womb Master"

"You knew my mother?"

"No I do not know her. But I do know of her"

"Who is she? What is her name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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