Chapter 3

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"Who are you? How do you know me?" I said to him. He looked at me and smiled then looked at Sterling and went closer to touch Sterling but I stepped back. "You haven't answered my question yet?"

"I have many fake names but you can call me Obi and I am just a friend"

"Obi? Is that a fake name too then?"

"No, it's not"

"How do I know you're telling the truth? That you're not working for the King?"

"You don't. But you have to trust me since I'm the only one willing to help you" I frowned but nodded my head.

"So what do I need to do?"

"On my signal, you run across the street to that alley where you'll think it's a dead end but in the corner is this crate. If you move the crate you should see a hole, climb down that hole and I'll see you at the end."

"How do I know you're not just trying to trap me?"

"You don't. Though if you don't trust me you will be captured"

I didn't want to trust his words, he seemed like a fibber, but I had no choice. If he was telling the trust and I did not listen then Sterling and I would both be captured and December would be next. I had to give this my best shot. I rather regret trusting him then regret not trusting him. 

"Ok. What's your signal?"

"You'll know," he said then took off running and screaming. The guards started chasing after him a few minutes after that and once the path was clear I ran across to the place he described. It did seem like a dead end, but there was a crate. He was telling the truth. I held onto Sterling as I lowered myself into the small hole. Sterling started to cry a bit from being squished and I made shushing sounds to calm him down. 

The jump was longer than I thought and I landed directly on my ankle, twisting it. The pain shot up through my body with every step I took and I groaned. Finally, after a few minutes of walking, I started to see a faint light from a distance. 

I grew more careful the closer I got to the light, not knowing what was awaiting me on the sides. I still felt like I couldn't trust him, even if he was telling the truth this time. I still felt like he was hiding something, something that I would find out.

"Hey you guys are finally here." he was there greeting me with a big smile. There were no guards, but I still felt like something was off.

"Yeah, we did. Though I underestimated the jump and hurt my ankle," I said to him watching his reactions. 

"The same thing happened to me. here I brought you a stick just in case something like that happened."

"Why didn't you warn me ahead of time?"

"I had no time. Besides, it's easier to learn through experience. Now let us go to get December, I expect her to be waiting on you two"

"I suppose so. The sky has gotten darker. She must be worried."

"I almost forgot. I brought this for you or actually for Sterling. I know you came to the market to get some but didn't have the chance to" he pulled out a bag and inside had milk and a nipple for Sterling.

"How did you know? Were you following me?"

"No, I wasn't I promise."

"Then how do you know? How do you know so much about me? Who are you?"

"I cannot explain it, I mean I just know"

"No, there's no such thing as 'just knowing'. Who are you really Obi?"

He looked at Sterling then down. "We should get going. The guards will find us if we stay in one place for too long"

I sighed and nodded. As much as I wanted answers, we had to keep going and I needed to get December.

The walk to the house was silent. Only the sounds of our boots against the leaves could be heard. The crunch of the leaves as we continued to walk and the chirps of the birds. Sterling was asleep which wasn't surprising since I just fed him.

I wanted to ask Obi more questions but I decided against it. If I forced him too much then, there's a chance he would lie to me. I rather he tells me the answers when he's ready, that way I would receive the whole truth. 

"So how long have you been with December?" he said, breaking the calming silence.

"You mean you don't know. What a surprise" I said and smirked at him. I watched his cheeks turn red from the corner of my eye. Which is when actually noticed how he looked quite young. 

"How old are you?" I watched his eyes grow big and he looked away from my gaze. 

"We should be getting closer to your house right? Let's keep our eyes open for in case there are any soldiers or guards hanging around here" he said and avoided my question. 

The more I looked at him the harder it was to determine how old he actually was. He was old enough to know how to fight but that could be taught at any age. Though he was younger than me and I am not aware of by how many years. 

As the house started to get into view, I saw sweat dripping on his face a bit. It was as if he was nervous. Why would he be nervous though? Did he set up a trap within the house? Did he hurt December? I do not care how old he was, if he was old enough to take part in such a cowardly act then he deserved to be killed if not wounded by my hand.

"I can wait outside." he said as we were walking towards the house. 

"Why? What are you hiding?" he shifted his gaze and I began to shake with rage. "If you don't tell me so help you, God, I will kill you," I said as I grabbed his shirt with my hands. I balled my fist and was about to punch him when the door opened.

"Bell? Bell! What took you so long? I was so worried" December said not noticing the scene before her eyes. She then took a look at the boy and smiled, " Jason? I- I thought you were dead"

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