1.Sticky Situations

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"I finally did it," I thought as I stepped out of the plane door that separated me from my old life in boring Melbourne, Australia, to my brand new life in London. I made my way through the crowded airport to baggage claim, where I collected my two bags full of nothing but clothes. Outside baggage claim, my good friend Grace was waiting for me. She moved two years ago after she finished university for a cheerleading program. I didn't move with her like we planned because I had done a graduate course on teaching.

"BECCA!!!!" She screamed as she ran over to give me one of her famous bear hugs.

"Hey Grace" I chuckled, missing her over the top attitude.

"So, how's my little dim sim?" She asked, using the nick name she used to call me when we were in high school. She was little chipmunk and I was little dim sim, basically because I'm half Malaysian and her little chipmunk because she made this face that made her look like one. The ride to her apartment was just us catching up.

She had a boyfriend, his name was Ethan, she was going well with her cheerleading, no major injuries or stuff like that and she had made another good friend who lives across the hall. We had arrived at Grace's apartment around an hour after. Grace and I had purchased this apartment on her last year of uni. The rest of the night was simply Grace and I filling in the gaps of the two years we hadn't seen each other.

The next morning was a very stressful morning. Besides sleeping in and still needing a shower, it was the morning of my first day at Vogue. Grace was at cheerleading and I was alone so I was left with my anxious self, stressing about the day ahead. I'm the type of person to plan everything to a specific event and then everything will go wrong. I pursued in my morning routine as quickly as I could, and got dressed in my outfit that I had planned for three weeks now. The outfit I planned was a black pencil mermaid skirt with a silk white chiffon shirt. When I applied my finishing touches to my make up, I made my way to the lobby of my new apartment building and walked out into the cold London air. As I walked through the freezing cold air of London, I rehearsed what I would say to introduce myself.

"Hello, My name is Rebecca Chin"

"G'day, Rebecca Chin's the name"


I mean, I did a job interview over Skype but I still got nerves, seeing as it is my first day at a proper job after university.

On my way to the Vogue office I decided to stop by a Starbucks to receive my morning coffee. I ordered, waited and when they called my name, received my pumpkin spice latte. I made my way through the morning crowd inside the mainstream coffee shop and finally arrived at the door. I opened the heavy door and the wind whipped at my long brown hair. When I made my way onto the busy footpath I was stopped by what felt like a brick wall. My coffee had spilt all over my white blouse making my hot pink bra visible. I looked up, my cheeks red with embarrassment, at a brown eyed, what looked to be a 29 year old, very handsome and strangely familiar man staring back at me. I had just bumped into a sex god.

"Come on" he mumbled seeming frustrated with me, which is completely understandable, I did spill coffee on him too. He dragged me into the back of Starbucks where the toilets were located. Once in the unisex, disabled toilet, he took his shirt off, displaying the chiseled abs that were hard as rock.

"Wear this" he said, handing me the white t-shirt he was wearing.

" and what are you supposed to wear" I asked, refusing his offer. What followed was just silence and the rather mysterious man stealing glances at my now see through blouse.

"Just take it and wear it" he said finally breaking the silence that lasted for what seemed like 2 years but was only 2 seconds.

"And what are you going to wear?" I asked again.

"I'll figure something out just take it. It's the least I can do since I bumped into you" he said, and he was right, he did bump into me but I couldn't leave the poor guy topless in a Starbucks bathroom. After moments of deciding whether I should take it or not I took it and made my way to the bathroom door.

"Where are you going?" He asked making me turn around and face him.

"To change" I simply replied

"You know I don't mind you changing here" he said biting his lip

"I think I'll go to a different stall"

"I won't look, I'll even face the corner"

"Fine." I replied to his offer, waiting for him to turn around. After he did, I struggled to take off my blouse since it was sticky from the now cold coffee on it. After a lot of swearing and struggling, I gave up.

"Need a hand?" I heard him chuckle from the corner. "No I'll be just fine" I replied stubbornly. After even more struggling to remove the stupid white blouse the stranger spoke again

"You sure?" He laughed this time

"Fine. Can you please help me take this stupid fucking top off?"

"Hm, let me think about it" he replied, much to my annoyance.

"Look, I don't have time for this, I have a fucking interview in" I looked at my watch "10 minutes, so will you please help me take this fucking top off"

"Geez, settle down. If you wanted to help me get naked you should of just said so" he said making his way over to my exasperated stature. That's when I realised who he was. Liam Payne. The guy I had spent most of my teenage years obsessing over. The guy apart of the band that had broken up in 2016. I had dreamt about this moment my entire teenage years and I was actually living it. Here he was, Liam Payne who had just broken up with his girlfriend about to help me take off my top. Well, fuck.

"What do you do anyways?" He caught me off guard with this question.


"Like for a job" he said, taking the bottom hem of my blouse in his fingers

"Well, nothing yet. I'm on my to start my job at Vogue"

"Vogue, hey. Be careful they can be brutal" he said pulling my top over my head and off of my body

"I think I can handle myself" I defended

"Can you though?" He asked looking at my coffee stained blouse he was holding in his hands. I rolled my eyes, I can handle myself, I thought.

Moments of awkward silence passed since we both just stood there, me taking in the situation and containing my inner fan girl and him biting his lips at the sight of my almost bare torso. It took a lot of courage to finally manage to move under Liam's harsh gaze, which didn't move as I pulled his oversized top onto my body. When I was finished, it was even more awkward it was us just standing there, playing chicken on who was going to be the first to leave.

"Well, I better go. I am already late" I said breaking the awkward silence and making my way to the door

"Wait" Liam said, just as I was about to leave the cramped Starbuck's bathroom. "I didn't get your name"

"Rebecca" I said, turning around to catch one last glimpse at the man that I had looked up to for all my teenage existence.

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