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"Rebecca?" He said as he helped me to my feet. I looked over his shoulder to see if Nic was at the table even, and not to my surprise at all he was firting with the busty waitress. Why do I even bother? 

"Rebecca? You ok?" 

"What, no, yeah. Hi" I stuttered, looking into his chocolate brown eyes that I once dreamt about staring into while his arm was draped around my body in the early hours of the morning. 

"You know, your date seems pretty busy" He spoke, biting his lip in what looks like eagernes and rubbing the back of his neck "you could come home with me"

"I think I should stay with him" I said "Me and my roommate made a deal if I went through with the whole dat and I really don't want to loose. It's not like I don't want to go with you though, I really do-not like I'm desperate to go with you but I'm just desperate to, like, get out of this date because he's a real tool. That sounded really mean, it would be nice to spend time with you, heck I'd love to spend more than 5 minutes with you, I've been thinking about it for my entire teenage ex-"

"It's alright Bec, I'm not offended and I'd love to spend some time with you just as much as you would"

"Ok, ok yeah, cool, that'd be cool"

"But, like are you sure you want to stay here with him?" He looked over my shoulder "because it seems as if your date over there is about to start making out with the waitress" He nods to the direction of Nic and I's table and, just like Liam said, they were just about to start going at it.

"I better get back" I said much to my dismay.

"Well, I'll see you around Bec"

"See you" I said, starting to walk back to the table, when of course being me, walked into a rather appalled lady strutting her way out of the ladies room. I could hear Liam's addictive chuckle as I apolagised to the poor lady and walked with the dignity I had left to the table where Nic sat inches away from sucking face with the waitress.

I cleared my throat, the waitress and Nic both gave me a glare that clearly told me I was interrupting. 

"Should I leave?" The waitress asked looking me up and down like I was apart of 2 girls 1 cup. 

"No, I still haven't got your number, pussy-cat" I shivered, I swear I thought I was going to throw up. 

She wrote what was obviously her number on a napkin and strutted off, giving me one last judgemental look. I sat down in my chair and did my most to not walk out of this stupid "date". 

We ate in silence and awkwardness. Every screech of our knives or forks on the plates added to the awkwardness. We ate for what felt like years ad whenwe were finally finished we made our way to the club. 


When we got to the cub, we saw Grace and Ethan straight away. Me, immediatley making my way over to Grace ,and Nic, going straight for the bar and then no doubt the dancefloor. 

"Grace, he's a fucking prick" I exclaimed sitting down next to Ethan. He had light brown hair and a mole on the left side of his jaw line. "He full on hit on the waitress and called her a 'pussy-cat'. who the fuck calls people pussy-cats!?"  Grace just laughed, then apologized for laughing, then apologized for setting me up with him. 

"I just wanted you to expierience non-Australian boys" She had said after she finished her mckery of my 'date'. "Where is he anyway?"

"Probably groping some chick on the dancefloor already, I don't know" Ethan said, making me chuckle. He was a funny guy, but he was pretty quiet, quite the contrast to Grace. 

"Ethan, Bec and I are getting drinks, do you want anything?" Grace asked, grabbing my hand and making me stand up to go to the bar. Ethan shook his head.

Sitting down on one of the bar stools, I noticed some one staring at me from the other side of the square shaped bar, placed in the middle of the club. Through the glasses that were stationed in the middle of the square bar was Liam looking at me with what looked like lust and confusion. 

"Oh my God, is that..." 

"Yeah it is." I struggled to say, his chocolate brown eyes were trained on my nutella brown ones as he walked over to where Grace and I were sitting. I quickly downed the shot placed in front of me by the bartender to try and boost the confidence I was lacking in his pressence. When his built body clad in black was standing next to the stool in which I was sitting in, I looked down, unable to face the beauty in front of me. I don't know what it was about me when I was around him. At first I was all confident, and now I'm a big ball full of paranoia and anxiety. I guess that I wouldn't see him again after our little coffee incident, but I guess fate had different plans.

"Hi" Grace piped up, saving the day "I'm Grace, Becca's roommate. You must be Liam, I'm was a big fan"  she extended her hand out for him to take and they did. You could tell in her eyes that she was dying inside, sort of like how I was, except ten times w"orse because I know Grace and after she introduces herself to a guy around me she immediatley says:

"I better leave you two be" and that was exactly what she did.

Liam and I were left at the bar, soaking in the (once again) awkward silence. 

"So, where's your date? He hook up with that waitress?" He asked turning around to face the bar and odering a drink, non alcaholic mind you.

"I honestly couldn't care less. I haven't seen him since I walked in here."

"I'm just going to come out and say it. I think you could do much better than him"

"Really?" I said, my confidence had suddney found me "do tell"

"Well, for a start, he is drunk off his mind" He said pointing to Nic on the dancefloor trying to pick up evry girl in his sight. "Second, a girl, especially one like you, shouldn't be treated like he did to you at the restaurant" 

"What do you mean especially a girl like me?" I asked, completely intrigued in what he had to say.

"You're unique, different. I can tell by the way you look at things, with such precision"

"I don't know whether to find that really creepy or really romantic" I said, laughing. Something about situations like this make me laugh.

"Take it the romantic way" He leaned his head down and if I didn't know any better, he wanted me to kiss him. 

So I did.


It's me birthday and I updated, I'm pretty proud of myself.

hope you liked this chapter. it's unedited sorry.  i'll edit it tomorrow


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