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I kissed Liam Payne.

He seemed taken aback by my courageous gesture but soon understood what I just did.and went along with it. He was a great kisser. Our tongues danced together swiftly, but it soon got heated. His hands held my hips in place, my hands snaked around his neck and held him close. His hips rolled against mine, immediately feeling his bulge press against my pelvis. 

“I can’t do this” I whispered, removing my hands from his neck.

“Was I going to fast?” He asked, releasing my hips from his grip and looking into my eyes warily

“It’s complicated” I said, searching the crowd around us for Grace

“Then explain” he said taking a hold of my shoulders to stop me from franticly looking for Grace “please."

“I can’t. Not here and not tonight” 

“Will I ever get to see you again then?” He asked “At least let me take you home” He said, and after all that, I might as well say yes.

“That’d be great” I smiled through the bad memories. 

He hesitantly took my hand in his and led us to the back exit of the club where his black range rover was parked. Being the gentlemanly contrast to what Nic was, he opened the passenger side door for me. It’s these little gestures that mean a lot. He climbed into his side of the car and we drove off.

“So, Rebecca” he said the second the engine started “do you want to play a game?”

“A game?” I smiled

“Yeah; I ask a question, you answer, you ask a question, then I answer. Question for a question”

“Alright. You first”

“Full name?”

“Rebecca Kara Chin” I said expecting a little giggle because of my last name but nothing “My turn…” It was hard for me to pick a question, seeing as though I already knew almost what there is to know about him. Creepiness aside, I asked something more obvious.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

“No, creative question by the way” He laughed as did I, along with him. “Where do you live?” 

“Just make a right here and then a left” 

“Great, your turn”

“Um…” Once again I was stuck on the fact that I already knew most about him “I can’t think of anything”

“Can I ask you another question?”

“Hm, depends, does that count as a question?” I smirked

“No” He chuckled “why did you move to London?”

I took a deep breath “Well, it was Grace and I’s plan since the end of year 7 and as we grew older we wanted to move even more. I don’t know why but we just wanted a change of scenery. She moved first though and didn’t finish uni in Australia because of her cheer program, and I moved this like 5 days ago, when I first bumped into you”

“But why did you move?” He asked

“I just told you”

“No, you told me why Grace moved not you”

“Alright. I moved for a change of scenery, I didn’t want to be stuck in Melbourne for my whole life and wanted some life experience. Plus I just got out of a really bad break up ad didn’t wat to be around Melbourne for at least two more years.”  

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