6.Mixed Messages

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“Swag,swag,chicken in a bag. Swag, swag, chicken in a bag! SWAG, SWAG CHICKEN IN A BAG” I heard gradually increasing in sound and waking me up. I tiredly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen where Grace and Jacinta were singing while making those chicken shaker bag things. 

“Becca’s awake!” They screamed in sync.

“Becca, this is Jacinta, she lives across the hall” Grace introduced

“I know, I met her last night when I was on my way in” I explained, taking a seat at the bench and taking an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the island.

“I thought you would’ve spent the night with Mr. One Fifth Of One Direction” Grace said getting three cups from the cupboard

“No, I couldn’t do it” I said and looked towards the ground, ashamed of not being over the one who had used me, Grace looked at me sympatheticall.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why couldn’t you do it? I mean it’s not like you’ll get that chance again” Jacinta asked me pouring boiling water into the cups to make them tea and me coffee. 

“Well, I do have his number” I smirked and grabbed my coffee cup taking a sip and hearing their gasps like I had done something scandalous.

“Did he text you?” Grace asked checking on the chicken in the oven.

“Wait, why are you cooking chicken in-“ I checked the clock “11:45?”

“We’ll explain later, did he text you?!” Jacinta gushed

“He did,” Smiles overtook their faces “but that was last night and he hasn’t contacted me since” Their smiles then faded into sympathetic frowns.

"What's with the sad faces, I still have his number!" I excitedly said, becoming anxious of what they had to say next.

"Becca," Grace started "I love you but I don't think he's going to contact you at all. No offence, but he's probably busy with the line ofr othe girls waiting for the payne-train. I'm sorry" Sympathetically she rubbed my back. Both of them were acting like I was a little girl and they had to tell me that my puppy died.

"You guys don't have to treat me like I'm a kid. I can handle myself. I wasn't in it for the payne-train anyway"

"I know that, not so much Jacinta because you just met her, but I know how you feel about this stuff Bec. And don't lie to me you were in it for the payne-train" 

"I'm not ready for a relationship anyway, not since Josh." I said standing up with my coffee in hand and walking to my bedroom.

"We'll tell you when our swaggy baggy chicken is ready!" They yelled out to me as I continued my way down the long hallway to my bedroom where I was safe from their sympathetic looks. I hate being pitied on. 

I stepped into my room and immediatley threw myself on my bed, reaching for my phone on the bedside table. Unlocking it I saw that I had 5 missed calls and 3 text messages. To my dismay they weren't from Liam, they were from home, 4 from Mum and 1 from Josh. (A/N: Josh is the ex-boyfriend who had cheated on her). 

I decided to call mum since I hadn't spoke to her since I landed. 

Hello? Her motherly voice swam through my ears 

"Mum it's me" 

"Beccy! Why didn't you call me sooner, your father and I have been worried sick. How is everything? The apartment? The job? Tell me"

"Well, the apartment is the perfect size for me and Grace. Work is alright, I think my boss likes me and I've made a couple friends. But you won't guess who I met."

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