53 - epilogue

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*ten years later*

CH. 53 -- PETE

"Honey, I'm home." I call out into the house. It smells good in here. Someone's making dinner.

I set my briefcase down and take my suit jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack. Rolling my sleeves up, I enter the kitchen and come up behind my husband. "Hey, sweetie." He says, turning around to kiss me.

"Smells good in here." I say when we pull away. He giggles and nods.

"I made pasta. Your favourite." He says, pressing a kiss to my cheek and turning back to the stove.

"You treat me so well." I walk to the fridge, grabbing two beers and uncapping both. I hand one to him, keeping the other for myself.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. It's probably just work.

"Josh, do you want me to make a salad?" I ask, and he turns to me, nodding.

"Would you? Sorry for not having it done." He says, frowning at me.

"It's okay, baby. How was work?" I ask as I take the ingredients out. I begin to put together the salad as he talks.

Eventually, dinner's ready, and we both sit down to have a nice meal. Josh and I talk for a while, and then he goes to bed, ready for work in the morning.

I finally pull out my phone and see that Spencer's texted me. It's been a while. Maybe he and Dallon are finally tying the knot?

The message is the exact opposite to what I expected. It's a link to an article, labelled 'Baseball Player Finally Settles Down!' My eyebrows furrow as I click on the article to read it.

Twenty-nine year old starting catcher for the Washington D.C. Nationals finally ties the knot with long-time boyfriend. Patrick Vaughn Stump of The University of Washington marries former teammate and rapper boyfriend of four years - Travis "Travie" McCoy - in a private wedding in Chicago. The two have been linked together since as early as May of 2018 but not confirming it until January of 2021 when caught snuggling up for warmth at a professional game.

This only leads us to one question: what happened to Patrick's former boyfriend and 2016 National Championship duo partner, Pete Wentz? Well, after doing some research, we've found out that Wentz also married a former, lesser known teammate - Joshua Dun.

After a rough break up in April of 2015, Wentz and Stump continued to be teammates for the remainder of Pete's college career. They won a National Championship in 2016, the year Pete graduated. While Wentz chose not to continue his baseball career, Stump did the opposite, first joining the Cleveland Indians before getting traded to the Washington Nationals, where he currently starts as the first string catcher.

When asked to comment on Wentz, Stump said, 'Pete's a good dude. I'll always wish him the best.' Patrick still has the initials of Wentz on his left forearm, which is now accompanied by his husband's initials right above them.

I finish the article with my fingers pressed to the tattoo behind my ear. I bring my other hand up to touch the tattoo on the other side - Josh's initials.

Patrick stayed true to his word, never getting the initials covered up. I wonder if that's some kind of peace offering and smile at the thought.

Patrick and I just weren't meant to be. I lock my phone and plug it up before walking to my bedroom, climbing in the bed next to my husband and falling asleep almost instantly.


so not a happy ending, so to speak, but neither of them died.

thank all of u for sticking by me and reading this. u guys r the best !

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