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"Stump, stop making googly eyes at Wentz and get your gear on if you want any chance of earning your starting spot back." Coach yells to Pete and I. Pete walks back to the dugout with me as I put on my gear, and he waves at me when I have to go onto the field.

When I approach Coach, finally taking my eyes off of Pete, Coach doesn't look amused. "What?" I ask, crossing my arms. Coach narrows his eyes at me.

"I think I liked it better when the two of you were fighting." Coach rolls his eyes. "But anyways, I want you to do ten laps around the bases. Go."

"In my gear?" I ask, my eyes widening. Coach simply nods. "But I'll die."

"No, you won't. Stop being so over-dramatic. You're a catcher, you and the pitcher should be the two most in-shape guys on the team." Coach says, and I huff in annoyance. "You know what? Make it twenty. Since when did you start being a pussy?"

I narrow my eyes at Coach before nodding. "I'll do thirty." I say, and Coach smiles at me when I take off running.

"Wentz!" Coach yells after I've done about five laps. I'm fine so far, but I know I won't be able to do much after I get finished. "I want you ready to catch Stump when he falls. Get your inhaler, a towel, some water, he's gonna need it."

"I'm not gonna fall." I huff out as I run. Coach looks impressed. I'm on lap eleven so far.

"You can't do it. You think you can do it, but I know you can't." Coach yells at me, and I push the thoughts of my legs hurting to the back of my mind.

I see Pete smiling at me, cheering at me louder than Coach is cheering against me, and I regroup myself as I continue to run. When I hit twenty, I continue to run, telling myself I can do thirty laps.

When I hit thirty, I fall on the ground, my breathing hard. Two shadows block the sun as they peer over me. "Is he dead?" Pete asks, and Coach shakes his head, laughing.

"No, he's just stronger than I thought. C'mon, kid." Coach and Pete both offer me two outstretched hands, and I take them both. Pete smiles at me as he bends down and takes my shin guards off for me.

"Huh?" I manage, gesturing down to Pete. Coach just smiles at me.

"You've done your part for today. Look around, kid, your team is impressed. Congratulations, Patrick Stump, you're my starting catcher again." Coach pats my back, and my eyes widen at him.

Pete grins at me with his teeth showing, and I just wink at him in return.


"Patrick, can you get the door?" Dallon calls out to me.

"Fuck." I mutter because I have to push Pete, who was straddling me and sucking on my neck, off of me. "I'll be back. Don't move."

I grab my shirt off of the ground and adjust myself so my hard-on isn't as noticeable, pulling my shirt down over my crotch. I open the door, and my eyes widen.

"Dad? Mom?" I ask, and my mom smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, Patrick, what is that on your neck?" Mom asks, swiping her fingers across my neck. I wince.

"I, uh, burnt myself." I try, and her eyes widen.

"On what?" She presses, pushing past me to get inside. My eyes widen, and I struggle to come up with an answer.

"A hair straightener. My girlfriend's." I say, and my father's eyebrows raise at that.

"Your girlfriend?" He asks, and when I nod, he looks confused but doesn't say anything.

"Patrick?" Pete calls out to me, and I swear silently, hoping he's put his clothes back on.

"Mom, Dad, you both remember Pete, yeah? My best friend from high school?" I say, and my mother and father both nod. Pete's eyebrows furrow.

"Best friend. Right." Pete says, nodding. "I think I'm gonna go. I told Ashlee I'd meet her for dinner anyways." Pete shoots me a sly smile and slips his shoes on. "Nice to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Stump."

Pete closes the door behind him. "I always loved that boy. So very handsome and respectful." My mother says, and I just nod in agreement, which gets me an odd look from my father.

"I must be rubbing off on him." I say quickly, and my father laughs.

"There's my son." He ruffles my hair. "So, we came to support our amazing son in his first home series." At that exact moment, Dallon comes out from the back, not wearing a shirt.

"Who was it?" When he sees my parents, his eyes widen. "Oh, hi. I'm Patrick's roommate, Dallon."

"I'm Patricia, and this is my husband, David." My mom says, shaking Dallon's hand. Dallon just smiles.

"Hey, 'Trick, I told Spence I'd take him to a movie, so I'm about to get ready and take off." Dallon says, and my father's eyes widen.

"Spencer? As in a boy?" My father asks, and Dallon just nods.

"Yeah, Spencer is my boyfriend." Dallon says, and before my father can say anything else, I push Dallon back towards his room.

"You better get ready." I say, and Dallon just nods, going to his room and shutting the door behind him.

"So your roommate is gay." Dad says, and I shrug.

"He's bisexual. But I don't care. He's great." I say, and Dad just nods.

"So when can we meet your girlfriend?"

"I'll text and ask if she wants to go to dinner.." I trail off, hoping one of them will protest.

"That's great! We can't wait."

"Me either." I mumble, faking a smile. As soon as I can get them to leave, I text Pete. He agrees to find someone to be my fake girlfriend only after I promise to make up for it later.

Dinner tonight is going to be tough, but at least Pete isn't mad at me.

alright so their coach was telling patrick he couldn't do it because he was trying to motivate him into doing it and show the team how well they can do if they work together

also patrick's asshole parents are in town for the huskies first home game

let's hope they don't cause any problems for peterick *wink*

Dick Pics (Peterick) **REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now