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At late night today,
I cried myself out,
Because I can't be the one for you...

At late evening the same day,
You laughed to tears,
Because my jokes were that good...

Yes, I made you laugh,
While I cry because of you,

It's crazy how this love is,
It does make me suffer a lot
And smile less,

The way you look,
For sure made me insane,
All synonyms of beauty can't describe you,
All the storms can't handle your sharp mood,
All universe can't stay still in front of your smile,

Of all only one word could describe you:

I thank god for those moments of happiness I got to spend with you,
I thank god for those tears of joy I made you fell,
I thank god for knowing you,
Although knowing you,
Was the biggest mistake..

I can feel that tomorrow everything will come to an end,
Because tomorrow you will be gone forever,
Tomorrow you will leave the place where most of our memories lived,
The place I got to know you more in,
The place I fell in love with you in,
The place that held secrets to my heart,
The place that I found my answer in,
The place that have my untold words,
The place in which we had our longest conversations,
The place in which began everything,
My cherish place,

All I ask for now,
Is you staying at that place,
So we could know a lot more,
Laugh most,
Smile often..

And maybe, just maybe,
You will fall in love with me,
As deep as Im still falling for you,

Please Don't go,
Please Don't leave,
Please Stay,

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