My Answer

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I've always asked about love.
Time flew by,
& I found out the answer to my love,
My answer is you..

No matter what,
Somehow I'll always end up making excuses for the things you've done wrong

I'll be forever fixing the mess you made to my heart

It's not your fault though,
It's mine,
Me who fell for your smile,
Me who longed for your touch,
Me who kept you hidden in my eyes,
Me who loved you,

You were the one who said my name,
When I didn't know you existed,

You who asked me
And by answering you,
I didn't know that I will be the one to found out my own answer.

You changed me,
In a way I still can't judge either,

But one thing for sure,
When you were a stranger I was fine..
When you were just a boy I was fine
This was back then,
Now you're my answer
And I'm still just 'someone'

The gap between you to me and me to you is huge,
It's the total opposite,
But we're not in maths,
where the answer is 'Opposite attracts'

A chance to be together is just a mirage
A delusion,
A pain,
That I'm too stubborn to admit..

It's getting deeper
My love and my pain
My heaven and my hell
My star and my darkness

I should let you go,
It is not easy,
I know;
But do I want to ?
Am I ready to ?

Where's the end ?

My answer is:
You can't search for an end in a story that has never begun..


I really want to thank you guys, for your support, you are such an incredible readers I love you all 💖
Today this book was ranked #648 in poetry category, it means a lot to me.
I can't believe that the writings I've never shown to anyone are now having a lot of readers.
I just can't thank you enough guys 🌿

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