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'It is all about details' she told her friend

'Details ? How ?' She answered dumbfounded.

'Yes details. Little things like him laughing out loud to hide his pain, crossing his arms while holding his laugh, or the way he bites his lower lip when he is nervous. Many more details that makes him unique, the way he wants to show that he cares but stops himself just to not show that he actually have feelings, the way he will just fight with someone and then talk to him again because he probably forgot about that fight, the way he will close his eyes and pull his head to the back when he is tired. The way he look at my lips while talking to me, the way he stares at me without blinking, the way he says weird words but growl when I do that. The way he defend me whenever I am in a deep shit. The way he is unexpectedly unexpected. The way he is. All these details made me fall for him everyday, a day more than the pervious and certainly less than the next'

'Wow' was all what the girl received from her friend.

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