After Nightmares

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Phil's POV

*The following after noon*

Me and Dan both fell asleep after that. I don't know about Dan but I had a peaceful dreamless sleep.

But what I do know is that Dan is a beautiful human being, inside and out... I know that I care about him. I know that I would do anything to be with him FOREVER.

I find it beautiful that he would do what he did for me... For ME.

And I feel that I ... Don't deserve Dan ... That he deserves better. But I also feel that I Need Dan. Like without Dan, Phil would be nothing, would be pointless.

Dans POV

I feel like Phil... I feel like Phil is beautiful and different inside and out.
I mean his beautiful black hair and ocean blue eyes...and that in itself is very different and unique. But he's also so kind and loving which is actually pretty hard to find these days.

I don't deserve that little ray of Sunshine. But I also need Phil... Without Phil I'm so... Lonely and if I was without him long enough I wouldn't be here.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Phil turns toward me and softly says, "Good morning, Bear." While he said it, he smiled his brilliant smile.

"Good morning, Lion." I couldn't help but smile. Just Phil's presence mad me so happy.

Phil smiling makes me happy,

Phil looking at me in pure love and care makes me happy,

Phil being alive and existent makes me happy.

Phil just in general makes me happy.

I don't think anybody could make me happier than my little lion can, just by looking at me.

Phil pulls me out of my thoughts by kissing me on the cheek.

"Why are you staring at me? What are you thinking about, Dan?"

"Oh nothing... You? You didn't notice for a while... So what were you thinking about?"

"Oh... Just about what might happen if we ya know... Came out... On YouTube."

I look at him for a moment.

"Phil... You know I'm not--" I got cut off.

"I know... That's why I said IF."

We sat there for a moment our minds and eyes fixated on each other.

"Dan?" Phil broke the silence.


"When do you think the right time will--"

"I don't know... But when it is... I-- we'll know."

Phil nods slowly looking at the ground... What is going on in that little Lions head?

Phil's POV.

How do I tell Dan that I want to come out ... I mean he came out as BI on Twitter a Long time ago. But I didn't, I mean I AM bi. I just never had the guts to actually come out.

But in school I was always called a gay boy, and it was always because the fact that I had a lot of... Female friends and never really socialized with guys... And you usually don't talk much to the gender...or individuals, That you're attracted to.

Dan told me. He was the same way. He just didn't go to uni... Well he did. But ya know... He flunked. Which is fine. You know why? Cause if he didn't he probably wouldn't be here... With me... Right now. And that WOULD make me pretty miserable.


The doorbell rang..

Who could that be?

We both go to get the door.

Dans POV


"Wh-... Why are you here?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"I heard that your father was in London I had to come make sure you're OK."

"Mom I'm fine."

She looks at Phil.

"Oh! Is that your Boyfriend?" She says obviously trying to change the subject.

"Yes. Mom this," I gesture to Phil, "this is Phil Lester"

She shakes Phil's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Phil!"

"Nice to meet you too!"

We stood there awkwardly.

"Do you want in?" Phil breaks the silence.

"No..I don't want to be much trouble." She responds kindly.

"Mom!" I cut in. "It's no trouble at all... Come sit down on the sofa. I'll make tea. I haven't visited you in like 2 years! I think we need to catch up!" I say happily. I really missed my Mother.

Me and Phil fill her in on recent events... Not including Dad.

*after catching up*

"So you haven't seen him lately?" Mom asks referring 'him' as my Father.

Me and Phil exchange looks thus deciding whether to tell her or not.

"We had a little visit from Dad..." I said trying to make it so she didn't worry... But God forbid, I get what I want... She worried.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you? Did he hurt Phil? How did you get him to leave?" She asked in a single breath.

"Yes and yes... But we're fine. It wasn't as bad as he used to be. And well... We dealt with him like he wanted to deal us.... I MAY Have punched him in the face... After I kicked him in the crotch."

Mom gasped. "Daniel!"

"I know, it's not like me to stoop so low ... To his level... But he hurt Phil and... I lost it. So in MY defense, he shouldn't have, one, forced his way into the flat, two, hurt Phil, and three, he should be in JAIL, GODDAMMIT!"

Phil and mom looked at each other. Then at me.

"Sweetie, I know WHY you did it... But you could've gotten REALLY HURT! But..  I am proud of you for standing up for you and Phil... Like I never did for me and you..."

"Mom. He hurt you. Ok? It's natural to be scared of him ok? I was I mean I still am. But when he hurt Phil... God. I put my fear and rationality and logic, to the side. And I did what I felt I had to do to help  Phil. I Wasn't thinking about me- I was thinking of Phil." I sigh. "Because he... Means the world to me and HE is the VERY REASON..  The reason I'm still here... Alive. So if there's anybody to be thankful for, by the way... Thank Phil."

She looks at Phil and nods in thanks.

I look out the window. It's POURING outside.

"Mom it's pouring outside... You wanna stay the night? It's pretty uh..  Wet out."

"But my back... I can't sleep on the couch."

"I wasn't going to let you... You can sleep in my bed... Me and Phil can sleep in Phil's bed... That's where I end up usually... Not cause... Uh. Because he has nightmares..." That got really awkward really fast.

"Of course sweetie... I'll stay."

"Yay!" Phil exclaimed.

I lean in toward mom.

"He's really positive."

She just softly laughed and said, "I could tell."

I know this was WAYY longer than usual but oh well aaaanyhoo I am out of ideas so any suggestions would be appreciated
... Also once again. The DAD subject is  A FULLY FICTIONAL IDEA.

Thanks for reading! See you when I update.

buh-bye XD

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