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Trigger warning... Bullying and harsh words

*4 days after 'drama'*

Dans POV

Me and Phil were sitting down watching anime, when we hear a violent knock at the door.

"Dan that was loud..."

I went up to get the door. I hesitantly open the door to see Jane.

"Jane?! What the he-" I was cut off by her slapping me in the face.

She pointed at Phil and loudly asked "Is that the gay boy that you left me for?! That ugly piece of--"

"That's my boyfriend and he's better looking than you, Jane!" I snapped back.

While I was yelling at Jane, Phil seemed to get spaced out, Like he was thinking deeply of what she said of him.

"I'm a girl, dating HIM" she points at Phil again. "That makes you a little gay boy...doesn't it?" She said sassily.

"You know, it's probably girls like YOU that make me gay..." I pointed at her.

"Pointing is rude!"

"Well, you keep pointing at Phil...so you're a little rude... Huh?"

Phil seemed to get out of his...trance or what ever... And..umm...

"Hey Jane... If pointing is rude I bet slapping is too... Oh and calling names like they're bad things ... I always say don't make fun of things people can't change about themselves ... But you can change.. So change your attitude and apologize or leave our flat...right.now."
Phil says defensively.

Wow. Phil... Was not expecting that...

"Oh.. Your 'flat'" she says mockingly in a British mocky voice.

"You need to leave.... Now..." I said seriously.

"Or what?"

"Or we call the police..."

"Ok I'm leaving... " she walks out the door and I hold my face... She slaps hard.

Phil's POV

"Oh my god... Dan... Are you okay?!" I ask as I run over to him.

"I'm fine Phil... I'm worried about you... What was wrong you just zoned out..."

"She called me an ugly gay boy and you just the last part..."

"Phil. Look at me. You are a handsome... Awesome, amazing...person... And I love you..."

"I love you too..." I pause. "I have for a while but sometimes I wonder if you really meant it after what happened with Jane last week....You..."

"Listen.. It was a mistake okay... We all make them okay? I felt bad and thats why I cut that day... Because I love you but I broke you... And I'm sorry if I made you feel that say, but , I do love you SO much."

"And I do love you so much too."

Dan kissed me on the forehead and we went to go play mariocart. After that it was late so we ate pizza and both slept in Dan's bed since I didn't wanna sleep alone... Bad habit from when I was sick... Maybe not such a bad habit as much as a way to calm me and make me feel better.

I love that Dan of mine... My little Dan...

I can't wait until tomorrow when me and Dan film for a video on our side channel DanandPhilgames... We don't know WHAT game yet but I look forward to anytime I get to be with Dan... Perfect... Daniel Howell.

Wait is this....LOVE?--A PhanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now