*Chapter 4 : - Another life

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2014 :

My life now it's pretty quiet, i don't even talk to my parents too much either, even my parents personality changed, now I'm really shy and don't talk to Much, I'm almost every day depressed, and now i prefer to be alone and listen to music now that my iPod its full with loads of music, since i don't do much, or talk much.

I even started to like or more like, adapt to my quiet, lonely, almost peace full , sad new life.

Every step to school is like a battlefield, same going out, no one talks me now, except for my family, even people from other schools, they ignore me like if i didn't even exist and i never did they bully me, and no one cares if i go to school or not, just my parents, the had told so many rumours that even i doubt about my self if, with lots of details, like that was crazy and bullshit like that.

But stuff got worse when my mother had to travel for something of work and we had to move later.

People started to say i was crazy, and my mother leave for so long time, that we had to go with her, that's were everyone started to say i was sick (every day the "sick" thing was different).

Later then i got to listen stuff about mike to, he got into the drugs thing , he was always drunk, and even started to hit people


So now you now my story, and everything about me, today?, well, today is Friday and in this very moment I'm in front of school as i start walking, some eyes stare at me or like most of the other people just don't pay attention to it, just like i prefer.

Class after class after class, the bell rang and my always quiet school day ended and, since I'm alone, I prefer to walk, my home isn't to far is even closer than my old home.


I got home, and my parents weren't there so i was only with my sisters, we liked to talk a lot, but i don't think much they really understand what was happening with my life, 2 hours later mom and dad came home with ice cream on a bag, (i was like yayyyy!!)

so how we all were in so good mood...

*mom, dad i wanted to ask you if i could go out

-of course honey but, are you sure?

*Yes, i will, don't worry

-we'll let you but please, please be careful

* i will, thank you ( i hugged them both and got upstairs).

I think that maybe is good for me to go out, to do something different, i took a shower, the water was pretty warm, the whole bathroom was full of steam, as i got out i slipped and fall down hitting my ankle, luckily it didn't hurt much.

I dressed up in super skinny dark denim jeans, my black knitted sweater, black combat boots and some gold jewelry


Later,when I got outside, i decided to go and watch a movie, i bought M & M's, and soda. The movie i wanted to see was called divergent, i just love it


I get out of the movies at 10,

It was a bit cold, and the air just smelled like smoke, streets were suspiciously quiet.

I was grabbing my phone from my pocket, when two strong, but at same time skinny, cold hands grabbed me by the waist, the two hands fast move to my mouth as i screamed for help, he pushed me and lay me in the ground, he punched my face so hard i could barely breathe after, he next hit me down in the rib case, i groan, next he kicked my leg

-you're so stupid!!

(That's when I realized it was mike)

-how could you do this to me!!

(He yelled with anger)

-This!.. This is all your fault!!

As he punched me even stronger

*what!?? (i said crying)

-when you stop being with me, i turned crazy, and started to try to forget you, i couldn't do it, but know, i did it and I'm angry and the only way that i could, make my self, get better is making you suffer!!!! (He screamed)

*but why!?

-i told you already b*tch,!!!

After that he punched me in the eye, i fainted ,

That's the last thing i could remember.


When i woke up, everything was really hard to see, it was very dark but he was still there, he walked towards me then he laughed at me, and then he kneeled in front of me

- you're worthless.

how did i could even think in someone like you and soo.... Weak!

Before he could had the chance to hit me again, i noticed there were a few people in their cars near by, we were in the same place, so i started screaming, like never i did before, mike, standing up, slapped me on the face, and then he run out of were we were at.

A strange boy with icy deep blue eyes, blond hair and fair skin, run towards me and then he grabbed me carefully, he put me inside, he's car.

The next thing i know is that he waited with me and called an ambulance.

-you'll be fine princess, i promise

That's the last thing that i heard from him before he putted me inside the ambulance and then to faint again.


**A. N. :

>> soo.. I really need you guys to tell me how I'm doing this, it's my first fanfic, and i will really appreciate your comments and if you like it, please vote. if you liked it i'll try to update this weekend. It would really mean a lot to me.

P. S. :i promise you'll love it as the story keeps going <3 THANKS FOR READING <<

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