Chapter 18: Old Friends!

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Real World!
      Daisy ran back to the barn with Raina behind her. Cecelia was busy, so Raina came to help. When they got there; Lynda, Candace, and Marvin were all in three separate cages tbat were hanging from the ceiling by rusty chains. Then Snowa walked down stairs from the ledge and stood in front of them. "Draculaura." Snowa stated with a smile as tears formed in her eyes. Daisy pushed her eyebrows together as she looked at this women she doesn't even know. "How do you know me? Who are you?" Daisy asked. The others looked confused too. Snowa shook her head. "Nothing. It's not important." Snowa replied and Daisy nodded. "Okay then. Release my friends now." Daisy stated and Snowa chuckled. "Fat chance." Snowa stated. Daisy held out her hands. "Fine. Then I'll stop you." Daisy stated as she glared at the snow monster. Snowa just laughed. "You can't use light magic, which is the only thing that can stop dark magic. You never fekt like you could. You believed in everyone around you, even when they didn't. But you always thought of yourself last, didn't believe in yourself, when you should have. If you couldn't then, you defiantly can't now." Snowa explained. "A lot has happened. A lot. I have changed so much it's unreal. A friend helped me realise, I am strong. I am the savior, no matter where my roots come from. I am strong, I am power.... And I realise that now I can do anything I want, anything I put my mind to. I believe in myself now, and I believe I can defeat you." Daisy explained. "It's going to take a lot more then belief." Snowa stated. Daisy blasted her with light magic, but Snowa waved her hand and made it blast back to her. Daisy flung and hot the wall, falling on the ground and looking consciousness.

   Snowa opened her eyes and let out a scream as she jumped up. She stood up and faced Dracula, who was glaring at her. "D-Dark one." Snowa stated. The light turned on and tbry turned to see Draculaura awake. She stood up and got inbetween of her friend and her father. "Daddy? What are you doing here?" Draculaura asked. "I had a weird suspicion, which is never wrong. So I decided to checj it out, and I found this." Dracula replied. "Please, daddy. She needed a place to stay and she's my friend." Draculaura stated and Dracula looked at his daughter. "I want to speak with Snowa alone. Go into the lounge." Dracula stated and Draculaura shook her head with tears in her eyes. "No." Draculaura refused. Dracula's eyes turned blood red, and Draculaura sighed as she ran out. "Dark one, let me explain." Snowa stated. "I'll be doing the talking." Dracula stated and Snowa gulped.

Real World!
     Raina helped Daisy up after she woke back up. Snowa wasn't looking at them anymore, she was in front of Candace's cage and was about to freeze her with her powers. "Snowa! Don't do this! This isn't you and you know it!" Daisy exclaimed with tears in her eyes. Everyone stopped and starred at her, confused on how she would know that. Snowa slowly turned around and faced her old friend. "I know you, probably better then anyone. I look at you, and see someone who was there for me when nobody else was. I had no one, but then I met you. I know you had a lot of problems, but please. I need you to remember the girl I remember." Dausy explained. "You remember? I made you forget.... How do you remember?" Snowa asked. "I don't know, I guess whatever just happened." Daisy replied. "I'm not the same girl I was back then." Snowa stated. "Yes you are, I can see it in your eyes. You're still you." Daisy stated and Snowa shook her head. "I was never who you thought I was. I was getting lessons from your dad do I can be evil and her revenge, you never knew who I was." Snowa stated and Daisy walked closer. "No, you never knew who you were. I did, I always have and I always will. You had to see it too, you have to believe in yourself." Daisy stated. "You're wrong." Snowa stated as tears fell down her cheeks. "Then why are you crying? Why havent you killed any of us yet if you are truly evil?" Daisy asked. Snowa quickly wiped her tears and glared at her old friend. "I'm not crying, but I am about to kill you." Snowa stated. Snowa blasted dark magic at Daisy as Daisy blasted light magic at Snowa.

      "You lied to me. We my again at my orders. Didn't listen to me. Slept in my castle. Snuck in and snuck out everyday. Turned my daughter against me.... And made her befriend you." Dracula explained. "I'm sorry, dark one." Snowa apologized as she kept her head down. Dracula sighed. "Don't be." Dracula stated and Snowa looked up at him, confused. "What?" Snowa asked. "She's been through a lot. More then anyone, and more then you think. She's strong, and doesn't let the bed things get to her. She stays happy and cheerful, and you became her first friend." Dracula stated and Snowa nodded. "She's a great girl." Snowa stated and Dracula nodded. "She is. Are you faking this friendship?" Dracula asked. "No, of course not." Snowa replied and Dracula nodded. "Good." Dracula stated. "What do you mean?" Snowa asked. "You will be staying five doors down from this room." Dracula replied and Snowa smiled. "Really?" Snowa asked and Dracula nodded. "That's right." Dracula replied. "But why?" Snowa asked. "Because I think my daughter needs a friend like you." Dracula replied and Snowa nodded. "Thank you." Snowa stated and Dracula sighed. "Whatever." Dracula stated as he walked off.
     Dracula walked into the lounge and saw his daughter pacing. She stopped with tears staining her face, and she walked over to him. "Did you? Is she?" Draculaura asked. "No, I did not kill her and she is not dead." Draculja replied and a small smile formed on her face. "Really?" Draculaura asked and Dracula nodded. "Really." Dracula replied. "But why?" Draculaura asked. "I have my reasons." Dracula replied. Then he turned into a bat and flew away.

Real World!
      Light magic and dark magic was fitting each other in the barn, causing the electricity to fly everywhere and turn on and off. Then the other girl from before walked down the ledge, whom nobody noticed, at the same time that Alison and Yeti ran in. "Snowa!" Yeti exclaimed. Snowa looked up and saw him. "Snowa!" Alison exclaimed. Snowa noticed her too and then looked back up at her father. She stopped paying attention, so Daisy got the upper hand and blasted Snowa back, as she fell. Daisy waved her hand and unlocked all of the cages. Candace got out and ran to her as they hugged. Marvin picked Lynda up from her cage, who is still unconscious, and walked over to them too. "Marvin and Raina, get Lynda to the hospital now." Candace stated and they nodded. "On it." Marvin stated as they left. Snowa stood up, with the help of Sandy. "Yeti." Snowa stated, surprised. "Let go, Abbey. Nothing important here." Yeti stated and Snowa glared at him woth trars in her eyes. "I know the real you is in there somewhere, and I will find her. I just hope it's not too late." Daisy stated. Alison grabbed Daiay and Candace and the three of them walked out. Daisy glanced at Sandy and they nodded at each other as she left. Yeti and Snowa starred at each other for a moment, and then he walked out too.

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