Chapter 34: Family!

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     "Your past is more complicated then I realised." Clawdia stated and Icysis sighed. "Yeah." Icysis agreed as she sighed. Yeti walked back in and handed her a cup of coffee. "How you doing?" Yeti asked and Icysis sighed. "I'll live, thanks." Icysis replied. "Of course." Yeti stated as he sat next to her and put his arm around her. "How did you get here?" Icysis asked. "You were taking too long, and I got worried, so I took a portal to find you." Yeti replied and Icysis gave a small smile. "So, where are you guys from?" Clawdia asked as she noticed Roxanne pacing as she held her son. "Himalayas." Yeti replied and Clawdia nodded. "You've been quiet." Clawdia stated as she looked at her gargoyle friend. "I just don't understand why you would try to kill your sister." Roxanne stated. "Why would you try to kill your daughter?" Icysis asked and Roxanne sighed. "Point taken." Roxanne replied. "We must stop Snowa." Yeti stated and Icysis nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, I know, and we will." Icysis agreed.

Real World!
     Daisy still sat in the ice cage. She was freezing and anxious. Sandy walked up to her. "Cold?" Sandy asked with a smirk and Daisy sighed. "You can say that." Daisy replied. "Good." Sandy stated. "Sandy, just let me out. You don't have to do this." Daisy stated. "You're right, but it's so much fun." Sandy stated. "Your mother had good in her, and so do you. We share blood." Daisy stated. "That doesn't matter!" Sandy exclaimed. "You're right. Family is love, not blood. But we can be a family, you are my sister." Daisy stated. "I'm really not, Daisy." Sandy stated. "Come on, Sandy." Daisy stated. Sandy finally sat down and faced her older sister. "Lets not talk about my mom. Let's talk about yours." Sandy stated and Daisy gulped. "No, thank you." Daisy stated and Sandy chuckled. "So, I found your weak spot." Sandy stated. "Don't." Daisy warned as she held back tears. "Tell me about her. Her looks. Her personality." Sandy stated. "No." Daisy stated as a couple of tears fell down her cheeks. "How did she die?" Sandy asked. "I said no!" Daisy yelled. A gust of pink smoke appeared and blew the ice cage up as it made Sandy fly back and hit her head, falling unconscious. Daisy stood up and looked around. She wiped her tears and ran out of the barn.
      Just as Daisy ran out of the barn, Christopher ran in from the back way. He looked around and ran up the ledge. "Daisy!" Christopher called. He saw the exploded ice cage and an unconscious girl that he didn't recognize. He ran up to her and shook her. She opened her eyes and looked around. "Where am I?" Sandy asked. "It doesn't matter, you're safe here." Christopher replied. "You're right, I am. But you're not." Sandy stated and then grabbed his throat as he gasped for air.
     After Daisy ran out of the barn, that was in the middle of nowhere, she heard a voice behind her. She spun around and saw Snowa. "I don't know how you escaped, but I don't care as long as you get back there." Snowa stated. "Then, I guess you do care." Daisy stated and Snowa glared at her. "You are seriously unbelievable." Snowa stated. "And why's that?" Daisy asked. "Because you still believe that I can be saved." Snowa replied and Daisy sighed. She looked down and then back up. "Yeah, I do." Daisy replied. "Your unwavering belief that people are good and your optimism, is so annoying." Snowa stated. "It's who I am. I know that everyone has evil in them and everyone has good. I see a future where the world is a much more amazing and peaceful life, and I don't see the problem with that." Daisy explained. "Well, it is to me. So, do you think there's evil in you?" Snowa asked and Daisy sighed. She didn't know how to answer that, or if she wanted to answer that. Daisy locked eyes with Snowa. "Yes. I just got a whiff of what I can do back there, and I didn't like it. But I can and will control whatever the hell that was. I will not let some stupid evil side of me, that doesn't even know who I am, change my entire personality, my entire life. I won't, and you shouldn't either. It's not too late." Daisy explained. "You're never giving up hope, are you?" Snowa asked and Daisy shook her head. "Never." Daisy replied. She waved her hand and disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke and Snowa groaned.
      Christopher woke up in a newly made ice cage. He saw Sandy sitting across from and sighed. "Where's Daisy?" Christopher asked. "She escaped. But I'm sure she'll come back now." Sandy replied with a smirk. "Who the hell are you? And how do you know my wife?" Christopher asked. "My name is Sandy, and how I know your wife is our business, not yours." Sandy replied and Christopher sighed. "Of course." Christopher stated. "Now, let's have a talk." Sandy stated. "I'm guessing I don't have much of a choice." Christopher stated. "You are correct. Now, what do you know about Daisy's mother?" Sandy asked. "Nothing." Christopher replied. "Nothing? Are you serious?" Sandy asked. "Yes." Christopher replied. "But you're her husband, she must have told you something." Sandy stated. "No, she doesn't like to talk about it and I respect her enough not to ask." Christopher stated. 'This is ridiculous!" Sandy exclaimed with a sigh. "Why do you want to know?" Christopher asked. "Something about her, her death,or- or something. There's more to Daisy's past then anyone realises, and I will figure it out." Sandy explained. Just then, Snowa walked in. "Christopher? What the hell?" Snowa asked. "Long story. What do you know about Daisy's mom?" Sandy asked. "Nothing." Snowa replied. "Are you kidding me?" Sandy asked and Snowa shook her head. "No, every time I brought it up she just shut down." Snowa replied and Sandy sighed. "Told you." Christopher stated and Sandy glared at him. "Shut it, mut!" Sandy exclaimed. "Why?" Snowa asked. "Another long story." Sandy replied.

      Everyone walked out of the hospital. "I have to get out of here." Clawdia stated with a sigh. "C, you'll survive." Roxanne stated. "Whatever you say, R." Clawdia stated. They all stopped and starred at one another. "I guess this is where we part. It's been nice knowing you." Icysis stated. "Do we have to?" Clawdia asked. "Have to what?" Icysis asked. "Part." Clawdia replied. "That's sweet, but we have to get home to find a way to stop my sister." Icysis stated. "Maybe we can help." Clawdia suggested. "What?" Icysis and Yeti asked in unison. "Yeah, you helped us with my parents. This is the least we can do." Roxanne replied. "Really?" Icysis asked. "Yeah." Roxanne replied and Icysis nodded. "Okay, sure. We could use all the help we can get." Icysis agreed.
     Roxanne found a babysitter for her son and they went to the Himalayas. "I-it's so c-c-cold." Clawdia stated as she shivered and Roxanne shrugged. "I'm made from granite, it's not my favorite weather, but I can survive this." Clawdia stated. "I c-can't." Clawdia stated. "You want go home?" Yeti asked and Clawdia a shook her head. "No. I-I'm g-g-good." Clawdia replied and the ice monsters nodded. "Good." Yeti stated. They walked into Icysis' ice palace and Saw a women. "Icysis! I've missed you, sweetie." Mrs. Winter greeted as she gave her daughter a hug. "I've missed you too, mom." Icysis stated. "Greetings, Yeti." Mrs. Winter greeted and he nodded. "And to you." Yeti greeted. "Who are they?" Mrs. Winter asked. "Friends, they are here to help.... With school, that is. I'm in my last year of college and I'm struggling in a couple of classes. That's Clawdia and Roxanne." Icysis replied. "Nice to meet the both of you." Mrs. Winter stated. "You too." Clawdia and Roxanne agreed in unison. "Lets go to my room." Icysis stated and they all left.
      Icysis closed and locked her bedroom door. "Why did you lie to your mom?" Roxanne asked and Icysis sighed as she pulled her hair to a ponytail. "Because she doesn't know that I'm trying to stop my sister." Icysis replied. "Doesn't she know that her other daughter is evil?" Clawdia asked. "Yeah, but they have hope for her." Icysis replied. "And you don't?" Clawdia asked. "I did, not anymore. I'm not an optimist. I'm not one of those people who believe that every good person has evil in them and that every evil person has good in them. Your either good or evil, there's no in between." Icysis replied. "Icysis! Your father is here!" Mrs. Winter called. "I'll be right back. There's something I need from Snowa's room anyways." Icysis stated and ran out. "She changed a lot since Snowa went evil." Yeti stated. "Maybe too much?" Roxanne asked. "I still love her, I always will." Yeti replied. "So, she doesn't have any belief that her sister is good or can be saved?" Clawdia asked. "No, and it same with me." Yeti replied and the girls sighed.

Real World!
      Daisy looked around and sighed as she walked into her father's shop. Mr. Gold walked in from the back and smiled at his daughter. "There you are." Mr. Gold stated. He noticed how sad she looked. "Here I am." Daisy stated. "What's wrong?" Mr. Gold asked as he walked up to her. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I never told you, but I have always known about you and Snowa." Daisy stated and Mr. Gold's eyes widened. "Draculaura." Mr. Gold stated and Daisy shook her head. "Don't, father. But.... But there's something you don't know about that night." Daisy stated. "Okay." Mr. Gold stated as he listened to her and she sighed. "That night she got pregnant, with your daughter.... And I just met her." Daisy stated and Mr. Gold gasped.

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