house of history/house of eclipse

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I don't own any characters or this episode nick or teen nick does
KT: Hey Caroline, or is it Harriet? I get confused.

Caroline: What? KT?

KT: Maybe we should let the police figure it out?

Caroline: KT, what are you talking about? Who on earth is Caroline?

KT: *runs away*

Caroline: KT, come back here. What do you mean police? *chases after her*

Eddie: We should let the police know.

KT: And tell them what?

Eddie: Four students are held up at a Gatehouse against their will".

KT: And they'll be like "What for?" And we'll be like "To do a school project".

Fabian: Yeah, Eddie, I don't think they'll send a SWAT Team, do you?

KT lures Caroline into Anubis House.

Caroline: KT, I will find you. *sees cellar door open and starts walking into the cellar*

KT: *tries to lock Caroline in the cellar but the plan ends up working vice-versa*

KT: Help, I have to get out of here!
Caroline: Sorry, KT. I don't think there's anyone else in the house to listen to your little tales.

KT: Let me out!

Caroline: Looks like you're going to miss the eclipse.

There is noise coming from upstairs.
Caroline: Ah, those rats, let me go have a look.

Patricia: That sounded like loud rats miss.

More noise from upstairs.

Caroline: Ah, it's those bats again.

Patricia: I thought you said it was rats?

Caroline: Well, rats, bats, it's the same thing. ( in a nervous voice)

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