The Touchstone Of Ra

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(AN I'm sorry if I haven't updated in a long time but here is the touchstone of ra quotes)

Sophia: You must be Mr. Rodenmean.

Victor: RodenMAAR!

Willow: Everybody say squee!

Sophia: (Pulls out touchstone) For once your timing is perfect.

Dexter: Marshmallow Frittata. Should I eat it or patent it?

Alfie: Trudy! There's a stranger in the kitchen.

Patricia: Mara, have you seen Eddie?

Mara: No and why are you dressed like a bridesmaid?

Alfie: Whoa! Is somebody getting married?

Patricia: The next person who mentions this, loses their teeth.

Eddie: Yacker, Nice dress. What are you trying to do? Rescue us or catch a bouquet?

Victor: Have you checked the tunnels?

Patricia: Not in this outfit! Wait, did I just say that?

Eddie: This is graduation day. Anubis style.

*The bell rings.*

Mr. Sweet: And that concludes your final lesson.


Patricia: Hey, wanna dance?

Eddie: You hate dancing.

Patricia: I'll make an exception for a superhero.

Eddie:, Well, I'm not, not anymore.

Patricia: You are to me!

Patricia: Come on, all of our friends are dancing!

*Patricia pickes up the glass of juice and and almost does her trademark move*

Eddie: Whoa! Alright.

Victor: I shall leave Anubis House.

Eddie: Wait, you're leaving Anubis House?

Eddie: Think about what you're doing! (Anyone else notice how familiar this sounded? victor said it to Sophia if you don't know)

Eddie: Let me stay. I might be useful.

Victor: No.

Eddie: Osirian useful.

Alfie: So, we're on the same side as Victor? Pinch me now!

Sophia: No one can resist the stone's control.

Eddie: Well, you aren't the only one here with a secret identity.

Sophia: The Osirian? The protege of the great god Osiris. Is a boy on the eve of his graduation. Such a shame you won't live to see it.

Joy: Jerome! Here, Now.

Jerome: Don't worry, I'll behave.

Eddie: Welcome to Sibuna!

Mara: OK, what is going on here? Victor is talking about human sacrifices and you're welcoming Sophia into some secret society? What's Sibuna?! Are Joy and I the only ones who don't know about your secret club?

Fabian: Actually, Joy knows.

Mara: Fine, have your secrets! I'm going to the police, about the stolen artifact!

Eddie: This is the day the Osirian dies...

Fabian: I... I don't get it! I worked hard, ace every test! Saved the world a few times!

* throws Fabian's speech paper*

Eddie: Dude, just, let it go! This week is our chance to kick-back, you know what I'm talking about?

Victor: Oh, yes. Miller, Rutter, Williamson. I should have known we'd be waiting for you three.

Victor: You have five minutes precisely, I shall want to hear a pin drop!

Patricia: First chance I'll get I'm coming to find you.

Eddie: It's a date, Yacker!

*Patricia and Eddie kiss*

Sophia: I have everything I need to build the Pyramid and my sacrifice will be a Frobisher, Poetic Justice, almost time to pay for the sins of your father's Frobisher, Soon Ra's gold will rain down, you will be gone, Rodenmaar will be stone and The House of Anubis will fall!

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