| chapter eighteen |

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' i will always love you'

"VIOLET!" An angry voice yelled throughout the bright house

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"VIOLET!" An angry voice yelled throughout the bright house. A giggle escaped the mouth of a girl dress in an oversized shirt that reached just an inch below her butt.

"William!" The brunette yelled to her mate, who stood there reading his newspaper with a mug on the kitchen island. "Save me!" She exclaimed, hiding behind his tall frame as footsteps thundered down the stairs. Looking up, William Lennox was greeted to a sight that had him laughing his arse off.

"Shut up!" Robert Epps hissed, glaring at his boyfriend before reaching to get to his girlfriend. "I'm going to kill you."

"You have to get through Will first." She giggled but gasped as Lennox moved out the way. "Will!" She shouted, and because of this distraction, Epps lunged at her. Violet's eyes widened as she felt herself fall to the ground, her head hitting the ground softly, a hand breaking her fall. Robert Epps sat upon her, straddling her before a mischevious grin grew on his face. "NO!"

But it was too late.

Violet's mate started tickling her sides which were very, very bad. The brunette was very ticklish, and she hated being tickled.

"Please! Stop!" She begged, tears forming as her laughter continued. Her plea fell on deaf ears, and the girl looked to her other mate. "Will!" The said man raised his hands in surrender.

"Not my problem." The blonde left the room, chuckling in amusement.

"You traitor!" She yelled, and after ten minutes, she was finally able to make a deal with Epps. She'd have to wear his clothes for the next week which wasn't a punishment since Violet enjoyed wearing their clothes and the two enjoyed watching her wear their clothes.

The three soon ended cuddled up on the couch, all wrapped in a blanket. They were going to have a movie marathon. The food was all ready and set on the table as well as the movies.

"Let's watch Harry Potter!" Violet exclaimed, putting in the movie eagerly before sitting in between the two men, who groaned.

"Again? We've watched that like fifty times." Epps groaned, rolling his eyes. Violet glared at him and snuggled into Lennox's side.

"Well, we can watch it fifty-one times." Violet made sure Robert knew she was mad by staying real close to William and wrapping her body around his.

"Okay, stop it! I know what you're trying to do." Putting on an innocent look, the brunette smiled at her other mate while Lennox raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"You're trying to get me to be jealous," Epps answered, and Lennox snickered, amused but stopped as his boyfriend threw a glare at him.

"I don't know what you mean." The dark skinned man growled and pulled Violet closer, and even though she wanted to fight back, her mate bond tugged at her heart, overpowering her brain. Violet sighed before wrapping her arms around Robert and her legs around William, and because of this, Violet fell asleep in content.

"She truly is one of a kind." William Lennox said, gazing lovingly at his mate, who fell asleep.

"Yup. I'm glad I met both her and you." Robert Epps admitted, kissing Lennox before kissing Violet.

"Let's get her to bed." The two stood up, and Epps carried their beloved to their shared bed, placing her down softly and cuddling into her. Violet immediately put her head into Epp's chest and wrapped her arms around his waist before tangling hers and Lennox's legs together, who wrapped his arm around her waist.

"We love you, our little flaming spitfire. Always and Forever."

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