Chapter 24

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For the next few days Abigail was completely focused on finding herself a job. Ariana had gotten a call back from the company that was interested in her and she was given the job. It was now Abigail's mission to find herself a job. She had not been seeing either Ariana, Colby, or Michael at all because she was always driving around looking for any kind of help wanted sign, or any photography studio she could find and she tried to talk her way into a job.

She's been unsuccessful with it.

After driving around for hours Abigail stopped in the parking lot of a Starbucks and she started to finally write in her journal. She hadn't written in it since she arrived in California so she wanted to try and keep doing that.

Finding a job is harder than I thought
I've been searching and searching and nothing
Maybe it's time to give up
Also on another note
The whole situation with Colby has gotten a little better
But Michael is such a good friend
I hope it all works out

Abigail went inside the Starbucks to get a drink.

"No. No. I need someone to take pictures at the live show. I already have a bunch of camera men but I need someone to stand in front of the stage and take pictures of the contestants during the actual performances" a woman said who was standing behind her

Abigail started listening carefully to the woman talking on her phone.

"If I don't find a person by tomorrow we'll be stuck using freeze frames as the pictures"

Abigail got her drink from the woman behind the counter and she waited at the back of the shop for the woman on the phone to begin leaving. It took a few minutes but eventually the woman took her drink and started to leave.

"Excuse me" Abigail said tapping her shoulder

"Can I help you?" the woman said turning around sipping her coffee 

"Not to sound weird or anything but I heard you on the phone and I happen to be a photographer and I'm looking for a job right now" 

"Do you have any pictures?" the woman asked rudely looking up and down at Abigail trying to get a read off of her personality 

Abigail took out her phone and showed the woman a couple of her Iphone pictures that she took recently. "I have my actual camera in my car if you want to see the pictures on there because they are more professional looking" 

"No it's fine" she quickly said making Abigail extremely nervous 

The woman did nothing except she dialed a number on her phone. Abigail was just standing there awkwardly saying nothing waiting for the woman to say something to her while standing in a parking lot. 

"Yeah it's me" the woman said with a stern attitude. "Tell the cameramen to make way for a very talented photographer for tomorrow night" 

Abigail wasn't able to contain her excitement. She was just smiling as the woman hung up the phone. 

"Thank you so much!" Abigail said 

"Be at this address tomorrow at noon" she said handing Abigail a piece of paper with an address on it. "Bring your camera, but most likely we will provide you with one"

"Thank you so much!" Abigail exclaimed again 

"Just don't mess up or you won't have a job for the rest of the season on the show" 

"You won't be sorry for this ma'am I'll see you tomorrow" Abigail said as the woman walked to her car and answered another phone call 

Abigail was still standing in the parking lot and she ended up squealing to herself and jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas morning seeing all their presents.  Immediately after getting in her car she called Ariana to tell her the good news. 

*On the phone*

"Girl, I found a job!" Abigail yelled into the Bluetooth on her rental car

"AHH congrats! When you get home tonight we'll celebrate now that we're both employed" 

"Okay, I'm on my way back now. I'll tell you about how it happened" 

Abigail drove home as fast as she could. She sped through Los Angeles to get back to the house. It was a bit hard because to this day she didn't know much about the blocks to where her house was but the two of them were definitely getting there with the navigating. 

She finally got to the house and plopped herself on her bed upstairs. 

"Hey working girl" Ariana said coming in and laying next to her on the bed. "So where are you working?" she asked 

Abigail took the piece of paper out of her back pocket and gave it to Ariana. 

"What even is this?" she asked 

"I don't know I met the woman in Starbucks and she said she needed a photographer so I jumped on the opportunity so fast" 

Ariana grabbed Abigail's laptop off of her bedside table and looked up the address that was on the table just to see if it was even legit. If it wasn't Abigail felt like she would actually explode because then she would have to start from square one. 

"This is a TV studio" Ariana said sounding confused 

"The lady did say it was for some live performance.....she didn't tell me anything about it and I didn't really ask too many questions" 

"So maybe your taking pictures of the actors or something" 

"I don't know, but at the same time I don't really care because it's a job and I'm getting paid for it so I'll take pictures of the food their eating for all I care" Abigail said looking at the types of shows that filmed at this studio 

"I've never heard of any of these" Ariana said 

"That's because their all for live television series. All you watch is Netflix" she joked 

"Wow, lip sync battle was one that is filmed on the set....but it says I have to go to a specific 'stage' whatever the hell that means" 

"When do you start?" Ariana asked 

"Tomorrow at noon!" she said getting happy 

"I think this calls for a celebratory hot tub and best friend hang out" Ariana suggested 

"Oh definitely!" Abigail said going into one of her draws and grabbing a bikini to put on 

After getting on their bikini's Abigail and Ariana grabbed a bag of chips and popcorn from the cabinet and went out to their backyard. They settled themselves in the LED lit up hot tub that changed from red lights to blue on a timer every few minutes. The girls were finally able to relax for a few hours and just be together like it was back in New York. 

"So how's Colby?" Ariana asked 

"Good, but I've been so busy finding a job I haven't seen him in a while. We spent the night together a few days ago when he came over. It was nice" she explained 

"Have you made any friends out here....because all I've gotten so far are Sam's roommates and their all way older than us" she said laughing 

"Other than Sam and Colby not really" she said debating bringing up Michael to Ariana in her head. She couldn't stop herself when she said "Well.....I'm kinda friends with one of our neighbors" 

"Who? I literally never bothered talking to any of the neighbors yet. One of them thinks we killed my aunt and stole her house" 

"Well the house right here is a bunch of guys" Abigail said pointing at the giant house directly next to theirs and began explaining. "This guy I met lives their with his cousins and their friends. It's literally a frat house and I started becoming friends with this guy Michael" 

"When did this happen?" 

"When we first got to Los Angeles" 

For the rest of the night the two of them just hung out together in the hot tub talking to each other. In the last few days it has been the longest they've been apart in the past four years. They caught up together and enjoyed the beautiful Los Angeles night. 

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