Chapter 3: The Beautiful and Ugly

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Alice's POV

*at school ( ̄ω ̄;)

"Good morning beautiful ladies..." a familiar raspy voice spoke from behind.

Cassie and I immediately turned our heads. Well if it wasn't our favorite guy on earth, James Connor Lewis. Connor was the only close guy friend I trust. He transferred to this school when we were still in 8th grade. People used to bully him for playing safe and for not retaliating back. The first time I saw him, he was sitting in the hallway. Cassie and I got curious of what the other kids were doing to him. They kept throwing things at him but, he just sat there holding his knees not doing a single thing. I don't know why they'd bully such a good-looking guy like him, maybe because he's new and it wasn't really his thing to get involved in fights. They eventually stopped after I convinced them to leave him alone. He was very thankful for what I've done. After all, I wasn't just an angel for nothing <( ̄︶ ̄)>. Connor is different from a lot of guys I've met. He's simply nice, sweet and understanding. Not to mention the ugly truth that he's painfully handsome. He's everything a girl could ever ask for, and that was exactly one of the main reasons why Kirsten Cassie Anderson kept him close. It's not like that I have anything against it but, Cassie can sometimes get a bit dangerously close to clingy. And now I'm stuck with these two crazy humans (●_•). Actually, they're the only mundane I kept as close friends. Yes, I trusted them with my secret. After all, I couldn't just keep them all to myself. At least I could talk to them if something really comes up and they've been with me through the good and bad for the past 3 years. Well except for Cassie, we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. Even though it has never left my mind to think that people only liked me because of my looks as they say, but never in my whole life that I've felt like I belonged here. Maybe if I'll allow myself to let go and be free, I'll fit in just like everyone else and live normally but, I can't. I just can't...

"Isn't Cassie that one who knocked her head off?" Connor said pretending to be confused at the same time amused. Cassie slapped his arm lightly. Damn, these thoughts are taking me to Mars!

"Pfft... She just can get her mind off of Mr. Perfect." Cassie blurted. I looked at her in bewilderment. "What? No, I wasn't! That guy was the worst person I've ever met!" I explained to Cassie in frustration. I noticed Connor's smirk on his face vanished, but he quickly shrugged it off.


"C'mon, let's head to our classroom or we'll end up in detention." Connor said, pulling me and Cassie from the corridors to our classroom.


"Okay class dismissed. Wait, before you all go, I just want to remind you that our school will be supporting different summer activities of your choice. If you want to participate in a certain activity, just sign up at the office. Here's the list of activities we are supporting." our professor said while placing the list of activities on the board. I looked at Cassie in a worried and excited expression.  I was really hoping that they have Photography in the activities. I mean I've been to exhibits and all but I want to try it myself. Although I'm quite not sure if I should. My parents weren't that strict actually, it was just me all along who's been shutting myself from the world.

Cassie pulled me to the board as she scanned for the activities. "OMG! Phoebe, they have Photography!" she squealed. I looked at her and smiled lightly. "I know that look, it says 'I don't know if I should, but I know I could.' look." she giggled thoughtfully. "C'mon Phoebe, you need to try things that you want to do. This is the only thing you love to do right? Give it a chance."

"What if--"

Cassie cut me off. "You're the one who's been preventing yourself to do these things. I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Parker wouldn't mind. They trust you."

"I know. And I guess you're right." I smiled. "Hey, you want to come over after you've prepared for the summer activity?"

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