the first time golden eyes met the forest ones.

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The very first time Camila's eyes land on Lauren is on a particular Friday afternoon.

The brown eyed girl is five years old. If you ask her, she'll show you with her fingers, making sure that she lets you know she's actually five and a half (like,almost) and the way she says it in her broken English will make you smile.

There's a barbeque party at her aunt's place and her mother dressed her in a pretty dress. Navy blue with a white bow in the middle. It's Camila's favorite. But then again, she says that for every other dress too.

As soon as the family of three walks into the garden, her aunt Gloria comes over to greet them.

Camila opts to hide behind her father, she's always been a daddy girl.

"Hey cutie, do you wanna go and play?"

Camila looks up at her auntie's warm chocolate brown eyes, just like the ones her father and she herself have.

She bites her lower lip nervously and nods her head timidly

"You don't have to be shy, you can play with Diane. Do you want me to call her?"

Once again, Camila nods. She loves Diane.

Physical resemblance between the two cousin is amazing. Her father was sure that just in a few years, people will think they are not only sisters but twins even.

"Diane mija, come here por favor."

Just a few moments later eleven years old Diane is standing next to her.


And suddenly, Camila isn't hiding behind her father but walking towards her favorite cousin.

"Can you make sure she's okay?" Camila's mother, Sinu, asks Diane

"Of course auntie." Diane nods before kneeling so she's on the same level as Camila "Do you wanna go with us to the bouncy house? There's a few more kids."

There's a hesitation in Camila's eyes before Diane speaks again.

"Or the two of us can do puzzles. You like puzzles, don't you?"

"Yes. Do you—do you have the ones with princess?"

"Of course I do." Diane smiles at the younger girl "Why don't you come with me and we'll get it from my room together?"

So, Camila allows Diane to take her tiny hand into her own and lead her into the house.

They're back outside in just a few minutes, Diane carrying three boxes of puzzles and Camila wearing one, and a proud smile on her face.

They take a seat at one of the tables and start connecting the puzzles.

"That one doesn't go there."

Camila turns around at the unknown raspy voice and looks at the girl about her size with long brown hair and green eyes.

At first she wants to tell her that she knows it doesn't go there and how she was just trying it out, but then she realizes the other girl isn't a threat and nods her head.


"I can help you. I'm good at this. You can ask Di. We always play it."

Camila looks at Diane who is too busy doing another puzzle.

"I'm Lauren." The girl speaks again

"Cami I did it!" Diane squeals and just then notices the girl next to Camila

"Oh hey Lolo, wanna play with us?"

"But I thought we are playing alone." Camila pouts

"Oh cutie, Lolo can play with us. She's nice. I promise. She's also my cousin."

"Oh, is she my cousin too?"

"No silly." Lauren giggles and Camila decides she likes the sound of it

"But why?"

"Because, you're my cousin from mom's side and Lolo is my cousin from dad's side." Diane explains

"We can be friends." Lauren adds

"Can we be best friends? Because everyone in preschool has best friend and I don't and school atarts next month."

"I already have best best friend but you can be my second best friend."

Camila thinks about it for a moment before nodding her head and jumping off the chair so she can hug her new best friend.

"Come, I wanna meet you with my mommy and daddy."

And off they go, leaving Diane to deal with the puzzles on her own.

It's the day Camila will never regret, because it's the day everything has changed and not only she had gotten a best friend, but also a soulmate.


a/n: other chapters will be longer than this one, i promise.

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