the first time Camila hears Lauren saying those three words.

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Somewhere during Camila's seventh grade, the brown eyed girl finds herself pacing nervously around her room.

For some time now, almost every girl from her class has kissed a boy, but she didn't. The only lips she had ever kissed are Lauren's. She likes it that way. She likes it especially when Lauren has cherry flavored lipbalm.

But two days ago, they were at this birthday party from a girl in Lauren's Spanish class and they were playing truth or dare and Camila hoped that Lauren picks truth because almost every dare consisted of kissing someone.

Lauren did indeed choose the truth and when Leslie asked her if she likes any boy, Lauren shyly looked into Camila's brown eyes and mumbled a no.

It's Sunday evening and Lauren is supposed to spend the night at Camila's place considering her parents are out on some dinner party.

When the door bell rings, Camila doesn't really dare to go downstairs and open it.

She can hear her father and Lauren mumbling before the green eyed girl makes her way over to Camila's room.

There's a knock on the door before Lauren opens them and steps into Camila's room.

"Hallo." Lauren smiles sweetly at the younger girl before taking a seat on the bed


"Is everything okay?"

"I uhm—yes. Why?"

"You look anxious."

"No. Nope."

The thing is, Lauren knows that Camila is lying but she also knows that eventually the younger girl will tell her, whenever she's ready.

"Can we watch a movie?"

"We have to wait until my dad finishes with his basketball game." Camila nods

"Okay. Oh, can I show you my new sketch?"

Camila nods before taking a seat next to her best friend. Lauren loves art and Camila loves Lauren. It's as simple as that.

"It's beautiful." Camila whispers

"Mhm. Just like you."

There it is again. That stupid feeling in Camila's chest. The one that she's pretty sure people call butterflies, but with her, it's much more than just a few butterflies.

And then, Lauren leans over and connects their lips one more time.

This time, she's sure something is off because Camila's lower lip is trembling and when Lauren pulls away there's pain in Camila's beautiful brown eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Camila shakes her head and gives her the best fake smile she can "Let's go and see if the game is over."

They find themselves cuddled on the couch, a blanket over them and their fingers intertwined.

But then, Lauren's phone goes off and she untangles herself from Camila so she can grab it from the table.

One text.

Two texts.

Three texts.

Four texts.

Five texts.

"Who are you texting?" Camila finally asks

"Do you remember that guy Liam? From the party on Friday?"

"The one with Justin Bieber haircut?"


"What about him?"

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