the first time Camila's heart breaks because of Lauren.

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Camila has felt her heart being broken just once in her life so far, and it was the day her parents told her the news of moving to The US.

However, this time, it felt worse. It felt much worse.

The brown eyed girl was sitting in Lauren's room and staring through the window.

"Camz— please look at me."

Camila looked at her girlfriend and it broke her heart to see the pain in those beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm happy for you, I truly am. I just, I'll miss you."

"I know and I will miss you too but this will not be the end of us, of what we have."


"Of course. I will still try to come over for weekends, and you can visit me whenever you feel like it. I'm not sure how long the ride—"

"The ride is at least ten hours by bus or train or whatever and there's no way my parents will let me take the car so I can drive for seven hours—"

"Then I will have someone drive you to see me. Camila, my love, don't do this. We agreed we're not gonna fight when the time comes."

"Yeah, but it came too soon." Camila replied as she looked around Lauren's room

There were boxes in the corner and most of the pictures were taken off, it felt so empty.

"I know," Lauren let out a sigh "but please Camz, I can't leave if we are fighting."

"We aren't fighting Lauren. Fuck, I'm sorry. I just—I'm scared. I've seen so many people breaking up because one of them left for college and—"

"Okay, and? Have they been best friends since they can remember? Have they been each other's first kiss, first I love you, first time, first everything? I've been madly in love with you and a few miles, 482 to be exact will not change that. And, you're joining me next year, right?"

"What if I don't get it?"

Lauren lets out a chuckle and walks over to her worried girlfriend. "My love, you have better grades than I do. They'd be idiots if they don't take you. Unless of course, you don't want to go there. I don't want you to go just because I am there. We will always find a way to work it."

"I do. I want to go there, not just because of you."

"Good, you shouldn't worry about it too much, you know?"

"I know, but fuck Lauren, it's going to be so hard leaving you there."

"Isn't that why you're staying for the whole two days with me?"

"Yes, and to make sure your roommate is aware of the fact your pretty ass is taken."

Lauren lets out a laugh. "My heart's taken, too. I'm all yours."

"What if she's hot?"

"Mi Sol, no need to worry."

"What if she's funny?"

"Camila, by dating you I've formed a very bad sense of humor and if she can top that, then by all means, you're allowed to dump my ass, but I hardly find anyone funny."

"What if she's smart?"

"Ehh, I don't like it when someone's book smart, I prefer actual intelligence and wisdom."

"What if—what is she tries to flirt with you?"

"Camila, do you remember the time we went to one of Alexa's party and the girl was flirting with me the whole night and I legit had no idea until you told me about it? Or the time I got hit on, by some guy in a grocery store and I didn't even realize until you pointed out? Or the time when your cousin decided to be smooth with me and I didn't fucking get it until you told him we are dating? I didn't get it because I'm so oblivious to it. I don't fucking care if she flirts with me, I'll make sure to tell you everything. If I have to I will refer to you as "my girlfriend, yes my girlfriend, Camila" every time I mention you."

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