the first time Camila's body has two hearts.

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(One more chapter after this one.)

It's been about two years since the day Camila had said I do, and although life hasn't been the easiest, she is well aware that with Lauren by her side, she can do it all.

It's been a year since the two of them moved back to Miami and into their new home. Once again, it was't much, but at least this time they had an apartment with their own bedroom, and a guest room. The one they were planning to fill pretty soon.

Baby talk occurred a few times in the past few months and both of them knew they're more than ready to do it.

Sure, they were young and had all of their life ahead of them, some even called them crazy because why would you want a child so early when you can explore the world, Camila would only shrug her shoulders at their words and maybe roll her eyes if they aren't looking, Lauren however had no pardon, she'd flip them off and said it's their life, their bodies and their choices. Camila had to admit, she looked sexy as hell while doing so.

So, as September rolls around and Lauren is busy with work, Camila decides to take the matter into her own hands and surprise her wife.

"Are you sure about this?" Dinah questions as the two of them sit in the parking lot

"Yeah, I mean, we're ready, right? We both want this."

"Wouldn't you rather take her instead though? Considering she'll be raising this child with you." 

"I want to surprise her. It can be my Christmas gift for her. I mean, I've been saving for this for some time now and I know I'm young, like fuck, we're not even twenty-five, but I know that it'd be good for us. It's not like I'm trying to save our marriage by getting a baby, we're more than fine without the baby, but..."

"But having a baby would bring back the spark?"

"Oh, we have plenty of spark." Camila laughs "I just feel like we're both at the time of our lives where we're ready for it, you know? Who knows when we'll be ready again, something can happen soon and it'd never be the right moment. There are no right moments, Dinah. You have to grab the moment and make it the right one. That's what I'm doing now."

"Okay then, let's get you pregnant." Dinah replies as she claps her hands excitedly

"Not a word to anyone about it though. Got it missy?"

"Of course Mila. But I'm the godmother."

"No, you're not." Camila mumbles before leaving the car

The brunette has already been here a few times, exploring her options and looking for potential donors. She wanted the child to be similar to Lauren.

And boy, do you know how hard it was to find the right donor? Green eyes, dark hair, smart, funny, caring, and Latino? It was, hard.

But, she made it. His name is Emanuel and he's got a bachelor's degree in banking and finance concentration, he can play a piano, likes to read and plays handball, on top of that, he apparently spends Sundays volunteering in a local shelter for homeless people. And like, he's from Argentina and Camila always wanted to go to Buenos Aires, so there's that.

Her heart was beating like crazy as she listened to the doctor's words carefully.

"Are you okay?" Doctor smiled at her

"Yeah, just like, nervous a bit."

"You're gonna be fine, don't worry."

So, Camila took a deep breathe and decided to deal with it by putting on big girls' pants and calming her nerves.

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