(s/o) being called weak

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This scenario includes Urbosa, & Revali~ (Warning short :P)


"Who do they think they are?"

"They're too weak to become a guard."

"The head guard could've at least given them a weaker opponent."

"They'll never beat her."

All you had wanted was to become a royal guard. That's all. It had been your dream since you were a kid.

'Maybe I should just drop out,' you thought. Your chest became heavy, and you felt tears beginning to form in your eyes. You clenched your fists while squeezing your eyes shut. You couldn't burst out in front of everyone though. That would just prove that you were weak. You put your head down and felt a tear fall down your face. Your mouth opened slightly ready to let out a weep.

"Hey." A hand was placed on your shoulder causing you to jump up. You looked back.

"U-Urbosa." She gave you a smile. She grabbed your hand and began to walk with you.

"You ready for your match?" She asked as if she didn't hear a single thing anyone had said. "I know you'll do great!" A smile crept onto your face. You squeezed her hand tightly.

"Thank you," you whispered loud enough for her to hear.


You were kicked to the ground after taking several punches to the face.

"Geez, your so weak, you don't deserve to be in a relationship with the Rito Champion."

"I can't believe he actually loves you."

This happened all the time, but you were used to by now. You had never told Revali about it. You felt like it would be a burden to him. He was always busy, being the Rito Champion and all.


"S-Shit," one of them stuttered.

"L-Let's get out of here!"

A strong gust of wind blew past you. Placing your arms below you, you pushed yourself into a sitting position and looked behind you. There he stood all high and mighty.

"Revali..." He paced over to you and pulled you up from the ground.

"Who do they think they are? They don't have the right to damage you," he sighed as he brushed his feather over your bruised face.

"I-I.. S-Sorry." The only words came out of your mouth.

"Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for!" He lifted your chin up looking you in the eye.

"Hey, we're gonna kick their asses."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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