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Simon and I have been in America for the past few weeks looking at some of the magical dead spots with Mr. Bunce from when the Humdrum was still around. It's bloody awful for me, I feel like i'm choking half the time, but Snow doesn't mind. Yeah, It's hard for him to be around the dead spots, considering he created them and is fully aware of it, but at least he can breath normally. Meanwhile i'm over here gagging on my own breath.

    Right now we're in a state called Nebraska.. I couldn't even tell you how many bloody farms are here. How many cows does a place really need?

    We were out all afternoon in the dead spots, and Snow was starting to catch on to my lack of breathing, so we decided to take a walk to a Starbucks nearby.

"Baz i'm sorry," he said with a little smile on his face. "I didn't realize it was that difficult for you to be back there."

I made sure not to comment on the fact that he wouldn't know because he can't exactly smell the lack of magic or that he really doesn't need magic to breath anymore. So, I just comment on the fact that he was a mouth breather and that he wouldn't know any different. He just smiles and we kept walking to the coffee shop.

It wasn't a cozy feeling in the coffee shop once we arrived, it was a warm and bright one. The warmth should be good, but Aleister Crowley if I burn myself because this place has no idea what a curtain is i'm going to be freaking mad.

Snow likes the late spring heat here. He claims the weather is ten times better than London, but I like my dark and cool city. Then again, Snow likes anything new and "exciting" so it shouldn't surprise me that he is so enthusiastic about a blue sky and a blistering sun just above us.

The coffee shop definitely looks like a hipster took over the place. I mention this to Simon but all he says is that it's "nice." Snow wouldn't know nice if it hit him upside the head, but I shut my mouth and don't say anymore.

Once we have decided what we wanted we still have to wait in line to order. Because Simon can't sit still and wait for a few minutes, he goes on his phone while I look around at all the people. And I catch my eye on one girl in particular.

Why the hell was this girl staring at us? She couldn't have been much older than Snow and I, she could be fresh out of university. But the way she was staring at us made me almost mad. She looked almost shocked to see two guys together. Crowley, she better not be a homophobe.

I make eye contact with her and say "What the hell are you looking at?"

"Sor-sorry," she stammers, wrapping her sweater tightly around herself and blushing madly.

I keep looking at her, glaring, then pick up Simon's hand and giving it the slightest kiss, then intertwining it with mine. Then I look away from her, making sure to keep a sneer on my face. I don't turn around to see the expression on her face.

"Calm down," Simon says. "She must be stunned by our blindingly good looks," he smiles cheekily.

"Just yours, love."

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