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@avegrey The once in a lifetime situation where I'm wearing depressing colors just to finish off my Christmas shopping

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@avegrey The once in a lifetime situation where I'm wearing depressing colors just to finish off my Christmas shopping.

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@avegrey "Where's your holiday smile?" "I don't know,"

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@avegrey "Where's your holiday smile?"
"I don't know,"

306 likes, no comments

--------------------Real Life------------------

       The music across the house played Here Comes Santa Clause. I sipped my glass of eggnog, and listened to my brother talk on and on about college. The doorbell rang.
       "Avery, can you get the door please?" my mom asked.
        "Yeah, of course," I nodded. I set down my glass, and walked over to the front door. I twisted the doorknob, and opened it. It was Grant and his family. "Merry Christmas!" I greeted.
         "Happy Holidays!" Mrs. Gustin chirped.
         "Here, come in." I welcomed them through the doors. They all stepped in. Everybody sort of went into the main party area. I began to follow the crowd. I felt cold hands on my shoulders and it made my jump.
        "Oh, god, you scared me." I sighed in relief as I turned around and see Grant.
         "Miss me?" He asked as he opened his arms so he can hug me.
         "No," I teased. "Just kidding, just kidding." I chuckled as I hugged him back.
         "How is your album going?" He asked.
         "Great! Right now, we are almost done recording it. Then, we are going to promote it a ton." I explained. "How is the flash going?"
          "Well, we are on our winter hiatus, but yeah it's going well." He nodded. We both began to look around.
          "We should sneak off, and open our gifts for each other before more people show up." I suggested.
           "Yeah, it is probably a good idea." He smirked. I grabbed his hand as we snuck onto the porch. I had my gift for him by the door, so I could grab it quickly. "Lemme go grab it, because it is in the car." He stated.
           "Okay," I nodded. He had a much larger box. His was probably three times the size of mine.
           "Here," he handed me the box.
           "Why don't you open mine?" I suggested.
          "Okay," he grinned as lifted the lid off of the box. Inside was a new pair of sunglasses. "How did you know what kind of sunglasses I like?" He asked.
         "I know you too well," I said in a fancy tone.
          "Mine isn't as good as yours." He commented.
          "No, yours is probably better than mine." I pointed out as I opened the box, and saw a ukulele.
          "I remembered how your ukulele got ran over by that car, and I thought you would like one very similar to your old one." He explained.
           "Wow, I almost forgot about Lela." I smiled. "Bryan McCormick threw it. Right after it landed, it got ran over by a car." I remembered.
          "I still can't believe you named it," he chuckled. We looked in each other's eyes, but to be honest, it felt strange. I could feel my cheeks beginning to turn red.
           "Well, I think you won who gave the best gift," I pointed out.
           "No," he shook his head.
           "Um, yes." I corrected.
           "How about we call it a tie," he stated.
           "Fine," I rolled my eyes.
           "Should we head inside?" He asked.
           "Sure." I blinked. I opened the door, and let Grant walk in first. On our way to the kitchen, I set my new ukulele against the wall. "Eggnog?"
           "Yes please," he nodded. I poured him a glass of eggnog, and handed it to him. "You know, I have not been in your house since high school."
          "Same here, I guess I've been too busy over the years trying to get into the music business." I commented.
"Wow, your a nice daughter." He teased.
"Yep." I chuckled.
           "Oh, Carlos wanted me to tell you that he says hi." He brought up.
           "Haha, well he does know he can just text me, right?" I pointed out.
          "Well, I don't know why he didn't think of that." He laughed.
           "So how are Tyler and Gracie doing?" I brought up.
           "They are doing well," he shrugged. "How is Lance and Michael doing?"
            "Eh, they are my brothers. There life is apparently so interesting," I sarcastically stated.
             "Lance is a lawyer and Michael is a middle school teacher." He pointed out.
              "Yeah, well, according to my parents they are the most interesting people in the world." I gestured.
              "I think you have the most interesting life in your family." He complimented.
              "Awe thank you," I smiled. After like two dozen more people show up, it was kind of loud. "My parents certainly know how to throw a party." I said as loud as I can without yelling.
"Agreed." He did the same.
"Want to go sit back outside where it isn't as loud?" I suggested.
"Yeah," he nodded. We both began to escape the crowd of people in front of us, and walked to the doorway. We grabbed our coats, and went to sit outside on the porch chairs.
            "Remember how we did that lemonade stand in the rain?" I remembered.
            "And literally we made no money what's so ever," he chuckled.
            "Yeah, but we were eight. We didn't expect it to be such a fail." I laughed.
            "Very true," he agreed. "It's hard to believe that we ended up staying friends for almost 22 years."
"Yeah, but I'm glad you stuck by my side." I smiled. He looks at me.
"Well, I should get going, Jett and Nora are probably trying to eat my parents Christmas tree." He concluded.
"Alright, merry Christmas, I will hopefully see you after the holidays." I ended.
"Yep," he waved as he walked with the sunglasses I gave him in his hand to his car. Today, when I saw him it felt like much more than our usual friendship, but I can't let my emotions towards people effect my music career.

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