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@grantgust What a great date with @lathoma3

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@grantgust What a great date with @lathoma3

396,265 likes, 2,457 comments

@lathoma3 I had a great time!😜

@avegrey so this is that girl you were telling me about😏

@grantgust Oh shut it @avegrey 😳

@avegrey Aye, look at me tour bus! Gettin ready to hit the road

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@avegrey Aye, look at me tour bus! Gettin ready to hit the road. Adios Cali, see you another day.

56,456 likes, 592 comments

@grantgust Have fun! I will make sure to catch one of your concerts!

@tha_los Hard to believe how much your career has grown! Don't leave me! You need to come back!

@dpanabaker Gonna miss you!

@cavanaghtom Make sure your driver knows that they better get gas when the tank is running low or else I will get angry at them!

@avegrey Awe, thanks y'all! Love you guys. 😘 @cavanaghtom @canicekp @tha_los @dpanabaker @grantgust

Text Messages

Hey! Have fun on tour!


Oh, did you hear about Grant's new gf?

Yeah, he told me about her. Why do you ask?

I don't know, you don't seem jealous like most best friends would be when they start dating people.

Um, I have never heard that.

It just seems like you two would be perfect for each other. I mean, you guys act as if you are dating. You guys know everything about each other.

Since when do you care about Grant?

I don't, I only care about him, because I think you two are just meant to be with each other.

Okay, he is only my best friend, and even if I did like him, he is not interested.

Oooooooooooooooohhhhh, someone's got a little crush!

What! No! I do not!😳

I can tell someone is blushing hard right now.

You are not even in the same city as me. How do you know that.

I just know my best friend that well.

Fine, I admit it. I have a slight crush on him, but it's too late. He is seeing someone.

Well, I guess you need to get some hot arm candy.

I don't need arm candy. Besides I have my music to focus on. I don't have time for guys.

Okay, okay. Well, I got to go back to my shift. Adios!


Alright readers,
You can kind of see how Avery's fan base has grown since she first started her music career. You can also see how Avery admits how she likes Grant a little, but she is trying to avoid it. Anyways, who is excited for the teen choice awards?! I am!

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