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@avegrey He makes me happy❤️😊😁

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@avegrey He makes me happy❤️😊😁

82,496 likes, 403 comments

@grantgust 😘

@dpanabaker You two are the cutest couple ever!

@tha_los MY OTP!!!

@cavanaghtom This picture is goalzzz!

@avegrey Beautiful evenings with this cutie😍😘❤️

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@avegrey Beautiful evenings with this cutie😍😘❤️

99,538 likes, 420 comments

@avegrey All I can do is smile when I am with you😁😘❤️

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@avegrey All I can do is smile when I am with you😁😘❤️

103,792 likes, 563 comments

@grantgust Then I'm doing my job.😏❤️❤️

@nat_nj Stop posting these things! I'm getting jealous of this relationship.

---------------- Real Life------------------

          I continued to strum the guitar in my living room as Grant read scripts at the dining room table. I wrote the notes down on my blank sheet music where I was later going to put the lyrics below the lines.
        "How's your song going?" Grant asked curiously.
         "Um, I just need to finish writing out the chords and what not, then I think I'm pretty much done." I explained.
         "Hey, I want to ask you something." He began.
         "What is it?" I questioned.
         "Well we have been together for 7
Months now, and How about we buy a house together in Vancouver? I know it's a lot to ask." He blurts out. I gave him a blank stare.
          "Why Vancouver?" I asked.
          "Well, it would be a lot of easier for me since I'm filming, and I did a little research on your record label and what not, and they have a studio in Vancouver. I mean it works out for the both of us." He explained.
           "Um, I'll get back to you on that. I need to take time and think about it." I answered.
            "Okay. Take your time, there's no rush." He reassured. "Crap, I need to go meet up with Tyler, I will see you later?" He concluded.
           "Alright, I'll see ya." I nodded as he kissed me quickly as he gathered his scripts and walked out of my apartment.
Moving to Vancouver? I mean yeah, it sounds like a great time, but I feel like it is too soon. Yet again, we have known each other for almost 23 years. This is going to be a hard decision.
The next day, Grant and I met up at Star Bucks to get our morning coffee. As I Grant and I walked down the streets of LA sipping our coffee.
"So have you thought about the whole moving to Vancouver thing?" Grant brought up.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, that I think you are crazy." I began. "But I like Crazy, so yes." I smiled. He smiled back. We then began to talk about types of houses and trying to figure out when we can go on our search for the perfect house. We wanted it to be outside the city, but still inside the city where we can have a yard and neighbors. At least three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and large open kitchen. This was going to be hard to find the perfect house.

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