Still no sign

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No one POV.
Days, weeks, months had gone by and no words came from Y/N's mouth nor from the doctors and nurses. Tyler began to think that Y/N may not wake up. Tyler has been having more bad thoughts, nothing serious just thoughts of Y/N never waking up, and maybe Blurryface moved onto him because she is dead. But non if them know for sure yet. Tyler tries to stay positive. Maddie tells Tyler everyday to let go of her and find a new girlfriend. Jenna now continues to bug Tyler trying to make him be her boyfriend, but Tyler will not let go of Y/N, she apparently has a little hope in Tylers heart and that little hope keeps him going.  School has been hectic for Tyler knowing Y/N isn't around. Tyler hasn't visited Y/N ever since the hole Josh kissing Tyler thing. Which not to mention happened 1 month ago. Tyler walked into Math class of which he had with Y/N and it was the last class of the day. Tyler loved math class because 1. Y/N was in his class. 2. It was the last class and 3. After school he would get to see Y/N. But all of that changed. Tyler sat in Y/N's old seat noticing the carves into the top of the desk. It read.
********Small Trigger*********
"If you're reading this than I'm gone some other person is in my seat so hi welcome to this old depressing seat Y/N Y/L/N I would always tell everyone that they would never know why I cut and or killed myself and you sitting here will never know unless you are Tyler or Josh then I loved both of you so much Continue to make music and make othes inspired.
*******End Of Trigger**********
Tyler laid his head down and cried silently. The math Teacher seemed to not notice Tyler at all. Tyler went home and laid in bed still having Y/N's phone in his room. His lock and home screen was a picture of her he loved Y/N very much and nothing not one thing could destroy that love. Tyler got up and drove to the hospital he sat in a chair beside Y/N's bed telling her everything that has happened he ended up spending the night with her telling her he loved her after every sentence he said. Finally he decided to head home.
"I will be back tomorrow buttercup I love you and wake up soon love." before walking out and heading home

A/N sad chapter cause im sad okay bye

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