Friends now true love for eternity

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Harry Potter is my soul mate! Of course it all makes sense. I was destined to be the other half of one of the strongest wizards of all time, doesn't matter if I was gay. I could feel the Ancient Malfoy essence awakening in me and when our eyes met our souls connected. He was mine and mine alone.


I couldn't believe my eyes. Here I was one of the most famous people in the whole wizarding world and yet I had no idea where platform 9 and 3/4 was. Lucky for me Hedwig was there.

"Ooh what a cute owl, she is such a delight!" a flight of red hair was suddenly by my side praising the pure white owl in its cage.

"Ginerva Weasley!!!!" An annoyed and loud female voice bellowed.

"Leave the boy's owl alone. Child are you looking for platform 9 and three quarters?"

Nodding at the peculiar woman I look to see a whole family of fire haired wizards.

"Ronald here is also a first year. Ronald why don't you show him the way, we will go after."

Before I could say hi there was explosion of red and black smoke that made the whole family choke and cough.

"You are Harry Potter! See George I told you it was him."

"Yes Fred I think it is."
"Fred and George Weasley! How rude of you! Let the boy be!" She then turned to me.

"Harry I apologize for my children's behavior. I am Molly Weasley. My son Ronald is over there why dont you go talk to him, between me and you he needs more friends."

"Ok thank you, I was quite lost." I said with a chuckle.

We ended up running through a wall. I mean we seriously ran through a wall to get to our train platform.

"Oh Percival. Why do you have your knickers in a clamp?"

"Fred, wait or are you George? I told you not to touch my quill collection and now i need to replace the heads of each and every one of them."

"Don't be such a slug Percy."

"Watch your backs dear brothers I am your Head boy"

"What was that all about?" I asked Ron and his two brothers.

"Blimey, lil old percy dumplins just had his feelings hurt," Fred said

"Yeah had a bit of wet disturbances,"

"Good one George! You didn't?"

"Let's just say Harry, if Percy didn't like our first gift, He is going to Hate our next one."

And with that we got on the train.


Lol sorry about the long wait. My computer has been broken.

Comment some more. shout out to JDash-Rivaille and angel17kiss thanks for the comments. Keep the shoutouts, votes, and comments, coming.

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