The Schuyler Sisters

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Alexander had hardly slept in a week, he was weak.

He was busy--perfecting his proposal, meanwhile he felt he had a competition, with the one and only Thomas Jefferson.

Eventually, he pulled his weary eyes from the lustrous computer screen to watch the sun rise. It was still but a dimmer light in the sky. It almost looked like the yolk of an egg, spilling its innards across the sky. Alexander opened the door to the balcony and sat in a chair, absorbing the glimmering light, becoming brighter than anything. Well, unless you mention John Laurens smile...that is brighter than a thousand suns. Alexander thought.

  Hamilton was confused regarding his feelings--and scratched his chin. Even though it was only about 5:30 A.M. , the hustle and bustle of the city had never dimmed. He could hear the booming honk of car horns and the screech of brakes. It was cluttering his head with the already obtuse thoughts he is having.

  Alexander sat up from the chair and went back inside. He decided to finally log off--and emailed Mr. Washington to inform him that he is to take a single day off. After all--Angelica is coming home. It might be the only chance he will get to see her before they trot away upstate, away from all this noise.

Much to his dismay, there is no way he can join. He trudged into his bedroom, careful not to wake Eliza; and fell asleep faster than ever before.


  "Baby..." Eliza gently cooed in Alexanders ear, scratching his arm and nibbling his ear. "It's nearly noon." She whispered.

Alexander smiled a soft, sweet smile. "I stayed home today for your departure." Alexander sat up in bed, and kissed his wife, but it didn't feel the same as it once was. But Alexander decided not to burden Eliza with his foolish thoughts before their upstate escape. He didn't want her to worry.

He arose lazily from his bed, still fully clothed, and merely changed his outfit. No time to shower, he would miss Angelica's arrival, and they had only three hours before she and the rest of them had to leave again.

Alexander strolled into the kitchen to see his son gobbling a pancake hungrily. He chuckled and hissed his son on the forehead. "Good-morning Daddy." Philip said with pancake still in his mouth.

Alex swallowed a chuckle and kissed his wife once again; earning a comical ewwwww from his son.


Alex, Eliza, Philip and Peggy waited at the airport, with a sign that read Angelica. The small family waited at the gate for her.

After numerous minutes, they caught sight of the beautiful woman. Philip held the sign high and as soon as Angelica caught sight of them--she wasted no time waiting for her husband to follow, and started a dead sprint to them.

Immediately, she pulled Eliza and Peggy into a secure hug. "Angelica!" Eliza cried. "Eliza." Angelica replied. "And Peggy." She cut in. "The Schuyler sisters." Alexander added.

The scene was a mix of joy, excitement and love all compacted into one. Philip hugged Angelica's leg, and when the sisters pulled away, Angelica pulled Philip onto her hip. "Look at my man, all grown up." She said to Philip, kissing his cheek. "Hi Aunt Angie." Philip smiled, showing his front teeth missing. Angelica giggled and tapped his nose. Angelica's husband, John Church had to immediately rush away on his private jet to see his ill mother, so he didn't join the merry bunch.

Angelica put Philip back on the ground and murmured to Eliza, "He's growing up so fast." Eliza smiled brightly, "I know, I know." She murmured, looking down at him holding her hand.


The family caught up over lunch. Alexander made sure to enjoy every last minute with his family, as he wouldn't see them until the leaves started to change and school rolled around once again.

As they walked back to baggage and check in, Alexander looked far past solemn. "Alexander, please join us." Angelica begged...."Please." She gently grabbed onto his arm and looked deep into his eyes. He wanted to give in just then. But alas, there was no way. "You know I want to Angelica, it just isn't possible." He murmured, his head down.

"Damn that Washington." Angelica stated in anger. "You miss everything because of his petty needs." She exclaimed. "I agree...John Adams spends the summer with his family...." Eliza gazed toward him. Alexander chuckled, "Angelica--Tell my wife, John Adams doesn't have a real job anyway." He joked. The gloom in the air lifted temporarily as they walked on.

But the secure mood couldn't be eternal, as they reached the security gates. "Well...This is it." Alexander closed. He gazed at all of them, remaining happy to relieve them from burdening guilt. He started with Peggy, "I will see you soon, call often." He said, hugging her tightly, taking in the scent of her strawberry smelling hair and her sweet perfume. And admired her beautiful eyes one last time.

He then moved to Philip, who had tears trickling down his blushed cheeks. Alexander wiped them away, "Philip, you outshine the morning son--my son." He murmured, hugging him with more love then ever imaginable, then he parted with him too.

Next, was his dear wife Eliza. "Be safe Alexander." She whispered, trying to hold back undeniable tears, and hugged him with all the emotion she had. "I love you Eliza." Hamilton tickled the words into her ear, and then they broke away. When they parted, he wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "Just think, you are going to have an amazing time away from all this won't even remember I'm gone, before you know it--fall will be sprouting through the leaves. We will talk every night." He left her at that statement, and with one last kiss.

Finally, Angelica. Alex sighed. "My dearest, Angelica." He smiled. "With a comma after dearest." She replied with a small giggle. The pulled into a ferocious hug, in which Alexander whispered to her, "We will talk every day, it will be like I'm right here with you, I will miss you." He nuzzled his head into her neck and took in her sweet scent one last time.

The family departed, Eliza; teary eyed, looking back at Alexander before dissipating into the crowd. Alexander sighed, and left the airport alone.

Again...another boring chapter. I PROMISE YOU GUYS, this is a Lams fanfic. I'm just attempting to morph this into an actual storyline instead of just scenario one-shots. But lemme know in the comments...would you guys be down for another book with just a scenario and smut? I don't know lol I've never released my smut and I'm afraid it's bad...but give me your opinions! See ya Hammies!!

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